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sinister agent
Roughly how much would it cost me to hire one or more of you fine people, or friends of you people, to rapidly put together a website for someone I know? It's a business website that'll be little more than an online catalogue with lots of categories, ...
Tea and sympathy for an injured Mimi, brrrrmmm screeeetttcch
Also: I hope you get an injury that isn't detrimental in anyway but allows you to steal money from them. Actually, I dissaprove of that menthod, but it's not like they;re going to be banned from driving or anything USEFUL is it? :/ Also, I'm currently surrounded by ...
The new Dairy Milk advert
It's not as good as the Gorilla one.
Tea and sympathy for an injured Mimi, brrrrmmm screeeetttcch
... See? What happens if the car behind had been a 4x4? Mimi would have been crushed. But then, you say, what happens if they BOTH were 4x4's? Everyone would have been alright, right? Probably. But then you'd be advocating this as a good excuse to get a monster truck! It's an arm's race, wheel-size ...
The Wrestling Thread
I'm actually quite surprised by the number of people who will be watching this one way or another. You big saddos!
Tea and sympathy for an injured Mimi, brrrrmmm screeeetttcch
... car had not been about three times the size of a normal car I think it would have been worse. See? Hmm, surely if it had been only the size of one car rather than 3, the chances of hitting it would have been cut by 66%? Anyway, hope your neck is OK Mimi, I've been suffering from neck pains ...
The Wrestling Thread
I'll probably download it tomorrow. I don't watch it really anymore, though I keep on the amusing gossip and news. The Royal Rumble is the one that I always do watch.
Tea and sympathy for an injured Mimi, brrrrmmm screeeetttcch
Anonymous X
... badly crumpled up... Had quite bad back/neck pains for a while but my dad refused to let me have any medical help because his own father was the one who drove his car into his - y'know covering it up and everything. My grandad apparently doesn't remember much about our family any more as he's ...
Tea and sympathy for an injured Mimi, brrrrmmm screeeetttcch
... and the car was miraculously undamaged. It's at times like this that you realise you should have gotten an ITV Digital monkey instead of the one you have, because he can then go and make you some nice soothing cups of PG Tips.
Tea and sympathy for an injured Mimi, brrrrmmm screeeetttcch
Mr Dave

Why is it that none of the chocolate cake pictures online look even remotely as nice as the one I make?
The new Dairy Milk advert
Anything with electric vehicle drag racing in it is made of win in my book.

It's got the one good Queen song in it too!
The new Dairy Milk advert
Beats the shit out of the Drumming Gorilla. I give it 8 points, and one of these new emoticons :ugeek:
Doctor Who 2008
... the BBC doesn't really know whether it's trying to win audience share, appeal to those who want something different, or create programmes that no-one else can or does, due to them not being popular with advertisers. The BBC Three revamps suggests audience-grabbing (as does commissioning the dire ...
Doctor Who 2008
... will lose it between anything from 0.5 to 1.5 million viewers, thereby giving the BBC the excuse to kill it again. You know, despite it being one of the organisation's best-performing shows. Still, My Family has been recommissioned for two new series, and Phoo Action was chosen over Being ...
This forum
Well, keep this one as the default, but add some alternatives in there as well. This is much lighter than WOS, and a bit hard on the eyes.
... might prove amusing). I guess you saw Iron Monkey a few times, then. Back in 97-98 I wasn't seen without my Neurosis hooded top (the 'scythes' one of the time). And yeah, NOLA is exquisite.
Links above the forum
Mr Dave
... (Not that I don't appreciate the work that went into it, but the sign up thing does seem to have been a major stumbling block of the current one)
I hate Pantera. Always have done. It's got a lot to do with that Neanderthal smackehead singer. And the guitarist who didn't know when to stop fucking soloing. And the thoroughly nondescript bass player. And the interesting drummer, crippled ...
The 'threads that this forum needs' thread
... thread - 'thomsedavi' - A mysterious thread that seems innocent enough but gets locked after the first post and no one really knows why - A thread for discussion of the previous thread - A thread full of nothing but obscure references to WoS
throughsilver? As in Through Silver in Blood by Neurosis? If so, respect, one of my most fave albums ever. Yeah, tis my favourite album ever, by quite some margin (I am such a dork that I own it three times)*. Also throughsilver, did you say you were in Leeds? ...
Bluce_Ree wrote:
Best Pantera album for me was Far Beyond Driven.

Agreed. It was the first one I bought and it's still my favourite with Vulgar Display of Power next.

Pantera to me are like Slayer and Fear Factory - some great tracks but if you listen to too much of it, it all becomes much of a muchness.
Spring Forwards!
... Not so bad for me, but worse for the girlfriend who told me to wake her up at half eleven because she needs to leave the house to go to work at one, and she has a bunch of stuff to do. Oops. I really should remember as it's pretty much always on the weekend closest to my birthday that this happens. ...
throughsilver? As in Through Silver in Blood by Neurosis? If so, respect, one of my most fave albums ever.

Also throughsilver, did you say you were in Leeds? There's a relatively good chance I might know you since you are a mosher round these here parts. Care to divulge some more info about yer'sen?
Links above the forum
romanista wrote:
Maybe some links for and stuff to support the hosting?

No need for this one.
... out. I was shocked at all the metal dudes with shaved heads. Phil Anselmo and Justin Broadrick, then. Why were you shocked? Did you expect everyone to have long hair at the time? Yes i did. I was eleven at the time, so was expecting everyone to look like Axl Rose or Nuno Bettencourt. Lovely ...
This forum
If there is one thing I miss, it's the amusing 'sub' title for each thread.
This forum
Plus we can legally charge for this one. And we are. Your Paypal accounts have been debited accordingly for every ten words. I'm hoping Titler comes back, I need a new stove. There will be polls still, and stuff. But a move was needed, since ...
This forum
We were going to have a poll on mods, I think a hosted forum was taken as read.

Plus we can legally charge for this one.
Looks around... (The 'Hello' thread)
And a one and a two and a one, two three four!
Spring Forwards!
Great, one hour closer to home time.
Jack Thompson: good for something
The man sure does appear to be a cunt, right? One that hates veejogayms, fo' sho, yeh? Well here we are at last, GamePolitics are covering his bar trial and you should all read along and be amused at him trying his bullshit on his peers.
Spring Forwards!
Bah! One hour closer to Monday :(
Cookie problems?
... is This is a temporary problem that should be resolved in a day or two. The .com address is the one ending in I don't know if that's a typo or is some technicality that I don't understand
Rules and Info
... yourself, have a look around. It's nice here. We love you. BETEO is a DEMOCRACY and not a DICTATORSHIP. Mods are voted in and out, and no one person is in charge. This forum is non-profit, ran for fun by volunteers. If you have any grievance, be it personal, legal or otherwise, please ...
Looks around... (The 'Hello' thread)
The one problem with that URL is that I read it as beex cellen tto, and then hear 'beex cellen tto!' in my head for ages afterwards, in the same voice as one says 'Echellente!', when proferred a Ferrero Rocher.

Beex cellen tto!

bEEx. BeeX. BeEx.
