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My blog - rick's philosophies
Haha! Your face on this one is excellent!
Nintendo 64
Zelda: Ocarina Of Time really is magnificent. I'd heartily recommend Majora's Mask too, but it's a bit of a marmite game. OoT is one of the few games that really thought about what you could do with 3D, rather than just adding an extra dimension for marketing purposes. The Forest Temple, ...
My blog - rick's philosophies

Is that you, romanista? The one with the shirt on, I mean. ;-)
Time Lapse London
Interval was one minute. I live in here.
Fighting the world is my favourite too, but I have a special kind of love for the latest one. It's just so... Odd!
... get your university log-in. I went through a series of 'internet names' early on in my internet career before getting bored of thinking of a new one every ten minutes (I'm a kiwi and I like transformers, so I can be KIWIFORMER! No, I'm a tall white guy, so I can be TALLWHITEGUY! etc) so chose ...
I was hoping for a bit more involvement from the Illuminati, to be honest, Thumbellina. Y'know, raising you as one of their own and giving you a super-secret name of power.

But no. Instead we get your university log-in.
Nintendo 64
... X Super Mario 64 I plan on getting these in the near future: Super Mario Kart 64 Diddy Kong Racing Ridge Racer 64 So apart from these, can anyone tell me what I should and shouldn't be getting? I've never owned one before and I'm a bit in the dark.
Heavy Electricity? Dirty is the one to look out for.
See, my Homeplugs are plugged into strips, one of which is a surge protector, and it's completely fine. No wait, I noticed the other night that it's struggling to give me 4 of its superleet 200 mbps. Annoyingly, the sockets in the corner of the ...
I'm confused.
Another new forum? And one which doesn't allow two lines for a thread title (a feature which often provided the most entertaining thread names for me for a long time)? I hope this is still some kind of work-in-progress. =P Of course ...
The FAVICON was at MarkGs request, I chose the star 'cos well everyone seemed to have a star fetish yesterday. Now if only Grim... would replace the header with the animated one. Prepare to cream your jeans.

Nice hat btw Mr Chis, gives you an urban flava.
I'm confused.
... confused over two people who's name begins with "C". For the last time, you're not me. I wouldn't mind but they were sales leads. I told one of them I would be passing by Salisbury on x day, and the other that I would be passing by Woking on y day. Thereby hoping they'd give me appointments. ...
I like that fact that the star is at a jaunty angle. One even might say "rakish". I tried to use the word 'rakish' at work to describe the angle of a hat I was wearing. Because I'd once read something about someone wearing a hat at a 'rakish' ...
Avatar explanation thread: pictorial demystification
Actually, for me the "It's all pish" thing came first, after I muttered it at work one day and one of my colleagues found it hysterically funny (strange folk these Canadians). I just grabbed a piccy of Rab C. Nesbitt to go with it, because it sounds like something ...
Avatar explanation thread: pictorial demystification
Mine is a VMU animation pinched from the HTML section of one of the Shenmue 2 discs. It is a perma-dancing Cool Z (or Cool J, if you live in Japan).
I like that fact that the star is at a jaunty angle. One even might say "rakish". I tried to use the word 'rakish' at work to describe the angle of a hat I was wearing. Because I'd once read something about someone wearing a hat at a 'rakish' ...
Avatar explanation thread: pictorial demystification
My current one's from this:
Dr A is featured on youtube!
Anonymous X
Sorry to hear about that Dr. A. :( Was about six years ago now that one of my childhood friends had the same condition. He's all fine now thankfully. I really hope that your g.f. gets better very soon.
I'm confused.
Woah, what?

Checked out the rules and not at one point does it state "don't criticise the style of the forum"? No personal attacks either.

This is RevMarzikins btw. I posted on the old forum a few times.
I'm confused.
Another new forum? And one which doesn't allow two lines for a thread title (a feature which often provided the most entertaining thread names for me for a long time)?

I hope this is still some kind of work-in-progress. =P
GTA IV - Thread of Officialness
haha! I've literally just decided to plump for that one independantly and clicked back to this thread to see if any other ideas had come up :D /edit woo I just ordered a shitload of 360 stuff :D ..all because of GTAIV... whih I am rather loking forward ...
... songs", and I'm the kind of person who thinks the reaction to Digimortal was a bit harsh (though not totally unjustified). I recently dragged one of my flatmates along to a gig I had a spare ticket for, because he was the only person about and was wearing an Iron Maiden t-shirt. I don't think ...
... hoody I bought at the MEN (for £45 bloody quid!) is the only outer garment I wear these days. I had, at my peak, 7 Iron Maiden branded tops. One of them is currently bears the signature of Nicko McBrain, so I don't wear that any more, one was a massive mistake to buy (gaudy, a 'full' print ...
That first album was absolutely amazing (but one of those albums you love but rarely listen to, if you know what I mean). Second album not so much, but the Boards of Canada remix on the 'Dead Dogs Two' 12" was sublime. Absolutely THIS. Agree ...
I like that fact that the star is at a jaunty angle. One even might say "rakish".
I really like the star! Whoever thought of it as a favicon should get a golden one! It's a very happy star.
Avatar explanation thread: pictorial demystification
I changed my avatar - I have had the other one for a long time - I changed it to a funny little animation of some penguins back on WoB, but then the forum moved here a few hours later and I lost it :( For now here is non-Mii Mimi, aged about 'something'.
Yay for stars! One browser cache clear later and Shazam! a star!

Heavy Electricity? Dirty is the one to look out for.
What cables? An electricity cleaning one? They don't really exist, see....
Heavy Electricity? Dirty is the one to look out for.
Grim... wrote:
Can you all shut up about the science and tell me where I can get one of these cables?

Mrs Grim... has already installed them silly.
Heavy Electricity? Dirty is the one to look out for.
Can you all shut up about the science and tell me where I can get one of these cables?
Bits and Bobs
I have a leather "outback" hat that's like a fedora. It took me 4 years to find one to my liking and now I wear it near enough every time I go out of the house.
... listened to Paradise Lost in about ten years though, I may have to download Shades Of God for nostalgia sakes now. How's about old Cathedral, anyone? The Ethereal Mirror is brilliant. Let's Groove, Sonic MotherFucker! gothic after Draconian Times. Gothic gets double points for having one of the ...
That first album was absolutely amazing (but one of those albums you love but rarely listen to, if you know what I mean). Second album not so much, but the Boards of Canada remix on the 'Dead Dogs Two' 12" was sublime. Absolutely THIS. Agree ...
White Castle
Steamed meat can be very nice, actually. One of the best kebab places in Cardiff puts their meat in a steam once it's cooked and it comes out hot and lovely. Likewise, a lot of burger vans seem to steam their burgers, and slap them back on the ...
Bits and Bobs
... and shit like that. Which is cool. Although Mrs A's friend just called and she is away and I was drunked at her. Ooops. So I have to go to Silverstone soonest for press photos about this sort of shit. Mrs A is unlikly to be pleased. I want this photo in A1 in my living room ...
... you downloaded Clouddead off my soulseek last night didn't you? .... errr, nevermind. As you were. That first album was absolutely amazing (but one of those albums you love but rarely listen to, if you know what I mean). Second album not so much, but the Boards of Canada remix on the 'Dead Dogs ...
Life Sucks
... though, better diagnosed than sent home undiagnosed. Best wishes for effective treatment. I wish to echo the views that Craster said. Cancer is one of those things that CAN be treated well. Anything else I want to write ends up like a trite greeting card thing, so I'll spare you that. My thoughts ...
Bezzie Mates Burning Out
im tempted to buy this just for live fun, doubt i will with GTA and rock band and possibly mario kart my top 3 to get, but im playing flat out, has no one got that, just to mess about with the minigames.
Bits and Bobs
You need one of these, Dimrill:
"light at the end of the world" gets my vote, as the best mdb album no one cares about. "turn loose the swans" is better tough. turn loose the swans = ultimate sensitive teenage mosher album. your river is just perfect! MrMarsh will agree (where ...
Bits and Bobs
... bald, go with it. Nothing makes a man look older and more noticeably bald then trying to hide his baldness. EDIT: except Bill Baily. He can have one as he is aceness. EDIT 2: Its even worse in this form, just.
Bits and Bobs
I think it's a haircut like the one featured in the photo.
White Castle
... I really want to try these things. They don't exactly have a ton of locations hence why Harold and Kumar have to go on such a long quest to get to one. There's another chain called Krystal which is meant to be similar. Yeah, I had a look while I was in Denver but there's none even in the state.
I've got a job!
... and we'll give you a numerical value on how much you love your boyfriend!! Not based purely on some mashup of the ascii values of your names, honest! Best one I've seen is "Kama Sutra" on TMF. Where, for the princely sum of £1, you text in the name of your partner and your name alongside ...
Dr A is featured on youtube!
Christ on a bike - sorry mate.

Is the diagnosis of one that is at least relatively easily treatable?
White Castle
Next time I'm in the US I really want to try these things. They don't exactly have a ton of locations hence why Harold and Kumar have to go on such a long quest to get to one. There's another chain called Krystal which is meant to be similar.
GTA IV - Thread of Officialness
I think I'm getting one of those tellies. And an Elite. I think.

/edit I reckon these look good, too... - or this one?
Avatar explanation thread: pictorial demystification
I just googled for devil-related pics. It was either my current one or this -

Although I like this one I've had in the past too -
Fun with phishing.
Regarding the "I never received the item" get-out, that would be interesting anyway, because 'collection' was one of the shipping options I offered. Had I not done that, it could be more problematic, perhaps. Still, the bloke's feedback, which I've now trawled, includes two ...