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Gas Guzzling Money Pits
... years. Sometimes there are super-cheap deals to be had on leasing, but they tend to be on less desirable cars or where manufacturers have end of line models or stock surpluses they want to get rid of, which seems unlikely in the current market. Here were my sums from the time (EDIT - my figures ...
Gas Guzzling Money Pits
... years. Sometimes there are super-cheap deals to be had on leasing, but they tend to be on less desirable cars or where manufacturers have end of line models or stock surpluses they want to get rid of, which seems unlikely in the current market. Here were my sums from the time (EDIT - my figures ...
Gardening Corner
... I’m based that makes a difference? I’m in the West Midlands, but it’s rained every day for two months (and I mean every day: today was the first line-drying day since May). I’d love to have some sunshine!
Hi folks, I’ve just had some Covid-based text spam, and I can’t work out its intentions. The line ‘we know you may not want it at this time but need your help keeping things up to date’ just seemed really suss. The last bit, about not phoning your GP if you’ve texted ...
The Best Games Ever: effortpost your favourites
... and neither can your opponents - so combat largely ends up with you and your attacker endlessly slingshotting against each other, trying to line up a decent laser shot as you do. It's passable, but exciting it is not: aCmNHMZzE90 You can also mine materials from asteroids if you find some, ...
The Movie topic
... akin to the best rejoinder Star Wars could find to "They fly now?" being "they fly now!" An extra 10 minutes work on the line, maybe? Still, it's alright.
Finish 52 books 2021
... The Emperor's Exile. 33) Emily St John Mandel - The Glass Hotel. Christopher Brookmyre - The Sacred Art of Stealing. Brookmyre does a good line in Hollywood-style action thrillers - but in Scotland, with a side order of attitude in the extensive inner monologues and dialogue. They all refer ...
Finish 52 books 2021
... your identity. He's married to Caitlin Moran, and I remember the book coming out to great acclaim and her leaving some praising comment along the line of "never mind trying to be a great writer, what if it turns out you're not even the best in your own family?" He's a lovely, lovely ...
Finish 52 books 2021
Findus Fop
... your identity. He's married to Caitlin Moran, and I remember the book coming out to great acclaim and her leaving some praising comment along the line of "never mind trying to be a great writer, what if it turns out you're not even the best in your own family?" He's a lovely, lovely ...
Finish 52 books 2021
... your identity. He's married to Caitlin Moran, and I remember the book coming out to great acclaim and her leaving some praising comment along the line of "never mind trying to be a great writer, what if it turns out you're not even the best in your own family?" He's a lovely, lovely ...
The Need For The Need For Speed (and Friends!)
... pursuit, the heat level will rise and you'll get smothered, fast. The game feels nothing like the pursuits in Criterion Hot Pursuit - they're all linear and arcadey. These are a lot like Rivals - frantic sandbox battles to the death, with a health bar and points on the line. In Rivals you earned ...
Political Banter and Debate Thread
"Flexible ticket available on the Carlisle to Berwick line only."
Bits and Bobs 51
... a bit of rope to steer with, like these. Bogeys.jpg A friend of mine lived in the railway station master's house at Heaton Mersey, long after the line had been shut down in the Beeching cut. It had a private road that went down from the main road for a couple of hundred yards and then had a junction, ...
The Movie topic
... but they do sound quite different. Still, he got us "Your Highness" which not only had Natalie Portman's bum in it, but contained the lines "Sire! Surely the naked lady is a trap?" "The only thing those tits will trap is my royal spray" And this perfectly-delivered ...
Middle Age Spread
MaliA wrote:
First training run done! Running slower is really strange. But then running faster felt great

Yeah, it always feels way better to be sprinting instead of dying over the line. I hate it when I set off too fast.
The 'Nay!' but 'Yay!' Thread
... up but settled down now, but importantly he went and told the teacher as soon as it happened instead of trying to hide it. It happened in the line up for class after playtime. They’ve spoken to the boy that did it, and he said he didn’t know why he’d done it, and that he’d done it by accident, ...
Cryptocurrency Mining
... when Gerald Cotton died, as only he knew the password. I guess you could almost say the same about real currency that we use to buy stuff on-line, or in shops, etc. with debit/credit cards. No physical money moves around, but I could go to the bank and get it out as cash if I wanted to. I ...
Crafty stuff
Look how neat and equal those lines are, and on a curve! I found a handy cheat was to just line the side of the presser foot up with the previous stitch line. That’s how I do all my seams as well. I set the needle to 1cm (or whatever the ...
What have you bought?
I got the B&D one as I already have a drill from the same battery line. If I keep escalating my woodworking at the same speed that I have over the last 2 months though, I might have to upgrade.
Bits and Bobs 51
... although I did get diverted from my first job, which would have been Macclesfield, to The Lowry to have a look at a server that kept going off-line. It just needed a decoke to stop it overheating. 20210422_103630.jpg But now I'm taking my break at the proper time in the Cheshire countryside...... ...
Bits and Bobs 51
... email from virgin. I politely ring up, and they say they will take my email off. Then I get another email.... etc I tried ringing the complaints line.. It says 'enter phone number or press #', I press #, it says 'enter account number or press #' I press #, it says 'enter phone number or press ...
Bits and Bobs 51
eventful 20 minutes.png

The Blue line is roughly where I walked, the orange arrow is where I met the farmer, and the yellow arrow is where I met hazmat guy, as you can see there are very few places where he could have come from or be going to!
The 'Yay!' thread
As my company works for dnata all the big wigs are putting bonuses in line with everyone else's in the group.

So I'll be getting a £750* bonus in autumn when I hit my 20 years service.

*retail voucher.
Bits and Bobs 51
... Now I think about it, Capital One have done this for a while. Unfortunately it has tended to be along the "this transaction has failed" line, so I've ended up using another card. Better when I'm overseas and using it regularly, though.
Dungeons and Dragons
Mr Dave
Dimrill wrote:

180g each
Rod of metal - 2metres long with a button on the side.
Iron Pot
Potion of Greater Healing
2 broken hide armours
some fungi which is safe for eating
sleepy time nap nap herb

Does anyone mind if I take the potion?

I'd suggest you take the potion due to being front line an' all.
... pink shed. I’ve been eagerly awaiting it arriving for three weeks, it finally got here today and they sent dark orange instead. I dropped them a line and they told me to ‘paint my fence orange instead. It’s a nice colour and will look good’ (eBay... obviously). I was about to respond when I got ...
30 Days of Happiness - April Edition
MaliA wrote:
Truck festival line up.

That looks good
30 Days of Happiness - April Edition
Truck festival line up.
What have you bought?
... West Midlands so may not want to be going as far as you. Not the first time I have heard "I draw the line before I get to MaliA"
Forum changes!
... .m_title{display:inline-block;font-weight:700;font-size:21px}.m_top .m_title a{color:#000}.m_top .buttons{display:inline-block;float:right;margin-top:-5px}.btn-circle{width:40px;height:40px;text-align:center;padding:6px ...
Doppelganger adventures
That must be a really tough job to do. Well done, it must bring a lot of comfort to people at such difficult periods. I had no idea you were in that line of vocation.
Finish 52 books 2021
... now perhaps the main assistance services for the homeless. I've been to the LA library, which helps, along with many others, and really loved the line that libraries might become "something more like our town squares, a place that is home when you aren't at home".
Finish 52 books 2021
... of its dominance of the system were it not split into regions, but if the geographical argument holds then a return to Heptarchy or other dividing line (ah, there there Mr Honeybun, just keep playing the long game) would not be as threatening as is proposed, but something to be welcomed by all. ...
What have you bought?
... do! You may have to give me a few weeks to figure it all out... The best bit is the jog wheel though. That's lovely to slide through a time line. So fluid.. Also, this came with the software license which I'll be able to sell and get most of my money back so it's a win win!
Royal Wedding, Electoral Reform, and Royal Babies thread
... , Priti Patel has announced that the government will legislate to introduce first past the post for mayoral and police commissioner elections. In line with the Government’s manifesto position in favour of First Past the Post, which provides for strong and clear local accountability, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....sorry, ...
Dungeons and Dragons
Mr Dave
... specifically announce to me what your plan is. I like to wait and see if the idea being workshopped is joke or a serious plan and sometimes that line is vaguer than you'd expect :DD It's ok, we outwitted those beds.
Dungeons and Dragons
... specifically announce to me what your plan is. I like to wait and see if the idea being workshopped is joke or a serious plan and sometimes that line is vaguer than you'd expect :DD
Dungeons and Dragons
... it was Gill due to all my poor taste Scotch jokes. Are you ok for tonight or do you want to reschedule? I'm fine. BUT(!) read between those lines people! Our Danger Mouse thinks that me not being there would mean deaths all round! I also suspect that not having our only roper front line ...
Dungeons and Dragons
Mr Dave
... it was Gill due to all my poor taste Scotch jokes. Are you ok for tonight or do you want to reschedule? I'm fine. BUT(!) read between those lines people! Our Danger Mouse thinks that me not being there would mean deaths all round! I also suspect that not having our only roper front line ...
The Jacqui Smith Thread
... Patel’s behaviour towards staff had been “unintentional”, because she was unaware of the effects of her actions. I’m struggling to get over this line in that article. Is this supposed to be a defence, or explanation of sorts? Bullying people but not understanding (caring) how awfully your actions ...
Audiobooks RMD
... the reader does try to give each character a slightly different voice and you would not be unsure of who a character is just by hearing a line of text but in the books if that lie of text is ALL IN CAPS then its almost certainly spoken by Death (*) (*) even if its death in an ill fitting ...
Audiobooks RMD
Is the character different in the audiobook versions, somehow? Illustrated in the books in some way, maybe?

I’ll line a few more of the Pratchett up. Thank you again very much.
Dungeons and Dragons
You are now officially the front line.
Animal Crossing Switch
I took a ride on my new subway! Sahara is stil waiting for line 2 to arrive ... 5177760770

(btw did read you can built more tubes which makes it random.. wonder how that will work... will make some nice new mazes I presume)
Bits and Bobs 51
Zardoz wrote:
Like a medium grey long wavy line covered in metal lumps.

This made me snort good and proper.
Bits and Bobs 51
Like a medium grey long wavy line covered in metal lumps.
Gardening Corner
They just sit on the grass. Actually, there are little ‘prongs’ in the corners, which means they line up and stack rather than just sitting on top of one another, they lock into position, and they can be pushed down into the earth. But you line them with cardboard (boxes ...
Gardening Corner
They just sit on the grass. Actually, there are little ‘prongs’ in the corners, which means they line up and stack rather than just sitting on top of one another, they lock into position, and they can be pushed down into the earth. But you line them with cardboard (boxes ...
Dungeons and Dragons
Mr Dave
Hey! I told you all about the toxicity of those puffballs! My piss was natures way to make the spores cling to me safely below my waist line, it was a great plan but sadly, sdg didn't appreciate the intelligence behind it to give me advantage. You were there only one to get poisoned by then. ...
Dungeons and Dragons
Hey! I told you all about the toxicity of those puffballs! My piss was natures way to make the spores cling to me safely below my waist line, it was a great plan but sadly, sdg didn't appreciate the intelligence behind it to give me advantage.