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Bathroom refit
... if our guy would be happy to travel out to you guys to do the work, but if you'd like his number I can pass it on and you can always drop him a line?
Political Banter and Debate Thread
Great set up, cracking punch line ".... auction prizes he never received, ...breakfast with the prime minister, a Japanese meal with Jeremy Hunt and a “magical show” by former defence secretary Penny Mordaunt, who once worked as a ...
Political Banter and Debate Thread
Great set up, cracking punch line

".... auction prizes he never received, ...breakfast with the prime minister, a Japanese meal with Jeremy Hunt and a “magical show” by former defence secretary Penny Mordaunt, who once worked as a magician’s assistant."
Bathroom refit
... Wickes? I used Wickes six or seven years ago. I was happy with the design and glad that all the rest of it was sorted once I signed on the dotted line. I was particularly impressed with the rep's suggestion of a cupboard in a space I hadn't considered could hold one.
Middle Age Spread
MaliA wrote:
In an hilarious diary mismanagement step, turns out I'm in for the Cardiff half marathon at the end of March. 8 weeks away.

I am unsure if I will make the start line, but will try.

8 weeks is lots of time
Middle Age Spread
Dig out the robot suit and claim its for charity as you collapse over the line on the 4th hour
Middle Age Spread
In an hilarious diary mismanagement step, turns out I'm in for the Cardiff half marathon at the end of March. 8 weeks away.

I am unsure if I will make the start line, but will try.
Hearthstone thread
... a dragon with 1000 health! Maiev - I seem to come 2nd with this one every bloody time. A decent character that you can get a good production line going. Just for some reason haven't won one yet. Millicent - Bloody useless. Yeah, there are some good mech minions in there at the moment, though ...
Political Banter and Debate Thread
... non-apology was pathetic. Sounded to me like he was trying to throw everyone else under his big red bus, as usual. Starmer was excellent with his line of questioning and genuine anger at Johnson's abysmal responses. Still, at least the nation can unite around washing machine filters!
1st world problems
... details. So far, so good. Unfortunately, that's only 278 songs out of 3307 on the iPod. All the others were either ripped from CDs or recorded off-line via Audacity and hidden away in the iTunes Library, but I haven't worked out how to copy them on to my Windows PC, which still has iTunes working ...
1st world problems
Sir Taxalot wrote:
The brief period between Original Dishwasher going a little bit on fire and New Dishwasher being delivered was a bit miserable. I do not like washing dishes by hand, no sir I do not.

Dishwasher Beta is holding the line
1st world problems
... phone, but apparently you can't pay up-front for a new phone if you're on Pay-and-Go with them, only if you're on a contract. You can buy them on-line and the one I was looking at was £179, but the nerd in O2 said we could probably get one at Currys if I wanted one today. As it was only round ...
Finish 52 books 2021
... page-turning thriller that twists and turns all over the place but manages not to ever be clunky or exaggerated. My edition is in a Black Britain line, which "celebrates pioneering books from black Britain and the diaspora". But it's worth knowing that it's an attempt to give a voice ...
Merry Christmas 2021
JBR wrote:
I got up, crossed a country border in the dark, and have now come back in the daylight.

This sounds like a line from an autobiography of a Soviet defector, or something.
Political Banter and Debate Thread
markg wrote:
Prediction: Johnson will go and Dishy Rishi will walk the next election.

They will use the tag line anything is better than the last c**t..
General Purpose US TV thread
Been watching Invincible on prime, a 8 part adult themed cartoon.

A boy coming of age gets his powers, from his dad, the ultimate hero. Things do not go smoothly.

I liked it, very much on the line of the Boys, in that how do you stop a rogue super.
Doctor Who
... got over his post-genocide traumatic stress pretty quickly. But we didn't see it happen, and would have been just as acceptable for that line to have been a Sontaran mind trick and not kill the dogs. I'd like to see the Ruth Doctor again but I'm glad the fob watch was thrown into ...
Doctor Who
... got over his post-genocide traumatic stress pretty quickly. But we didn't see it happen, and would have been just as acceptable for that line to have been a Sontaran mind trick and not kill the dogs. I'd like to see the Ruth Doctor again but I'm glad the fob watch was thrown into ...
General Purpose UK TV thread
My rule of thumb for this thread is that shows on one of the major UK broadcasters (the BBC, ITV, Cs 4 & 5 etc) go here. But I'm a hipster and think 405 line VHF is all you need.
What's Everyone Playing?
Midnight Protocol (steam): you are a 1337 h4x)(0r and you infiltrate systems using a command line interface in this turn based game. Choose from programs to defeat barriers to progress, and upgrade your console to make stuff better. It's simple enough, to move you type ...
Sir Taxalot
... way he deals with difficult conversations is basically to ignore them for as long as he can get away with, then just mumble that he’ll fall into line. I’ve started being able to challenge things but that’s because the people that I interact with largely do not not make these kind of assumptions ...
... way he deals with difficult conversations is basically to ignore them for as long as he can get away with, then just mumble that he’ll fall into line. I’ve started being able to challenge things but that’s because the people that I interact with largely do not not make these kind of assumptions ...
Political Banter and Debate Thread
Whilst it's probably a good idea that we don't build railway lines without considering how it might be detrimental to local residents and the environment, a high-speed east-west line has been in the works for ages and just seems such an obvious benefit ...
Audiobooks RMD
... plans to bring this production to millions of listeners this Christmas, so it's a great shame we have to remove this from our festive schedule, in line with Mr Blake's wishes." Blake composed the music for the original 1982 animated film and said he was "absolutely delighted" with ...
Political Banter and Debate Thread
His son.

The line to 24th place is here, whilst Wikipedia goes to 63.
Political Banter and Debate Thread
Findus Fop
... Michael Howard as Home Sec. At least he was a grown-up awful bastard. I was listening to the radio this morning and No Surprises came on. And the line "Bring down the government, they don't speak for us." of course resonated strongly. And it made me think about how furious(ly teenage) ...
Political Banter and Debate Thread
It's the utter contempt that really gets to me.

Checking the voting lists, and yes, my MP when faced with doing the right thing or somehow not making it to the chamber, voted on the party line. Never a good idea to write when angry, however...
Secret Santa 2021
Goddess Jasmine
... rawk! :metul: Rules of the game if you want to play are: PM me your details(name & address) by Midnight November 26th with the subject line 'Secret Santa'. I will be sending out your recipients details over the weekend, you then have about three weeks to stalk them and buy them something ...
Finish 52 books 2021
... this for a bit too long. Here we go: 14) The Secret of Ventriloquism by Jon Padgett A collection of stories that are weird and occasionally borderline horror. It's not until near the end that you figure out that all the stories are connected. It's okay, but it's not great. 15) The Southern Book ...
Finish 52 books 2021
... Donovan 21. "Equal Rites" by Terry Pratchett I decided to take a break from the Watch and read something from the "witches" line on the ever-helpful chart . Good fun as ever.
The Movie topic
... I loved the soundtrack that accompanies the visuals as he goes on his quest, and the final showdown is just the right side of the tense/camp line. I just felt it needed a lot of trimming, as it's over 2 hours and we probably didn't need so many tracking shots of the wilderness or strange ...
Gardening Corner
Thanks, Kern. It has been a good few months, despite the weather. I just plonked some carrot seeds in a line, but they did take a little while to grow. Maybe your seedlings were picked out by birds? I have five distinct varieties of carrots to grow next year. They were Darwin’s ...
General Purpose Forrin TV Thread
I watched the first 10-15 minutes (to when he is in line to place his second bet on the last race) and just really couldn't handle his over-reacting. So stopped watching. I think the facial melodrama is a feature of the acting style. Though Russell ...
General Purpose Forrin TV Thread
Mr Russell
Malc wrote:
I watched the first 10-15 minutes (to when he is in line to place his second bet on the last race) and just really couldn't handle his over-reacting. So stopped watching.

I would say give it more of a chance now you know what to expect. He is much more understated as the episodes go on.
General Purpose Forrin TV Thread
I watched the first 10-15 minutes (to when he is in line to place his second bet on the last race) and just really couldn't handle his over-reacting. So stopped watching.
IT Support Ages
Kern wrote:
We use a lot of eager young apprentices as the front line.

Sacrificial lambs. Nice.
IT Support Ages
We use a lot of eager young apprentices as the front line.
Middle Age Spread
... the time/miles in, and you know you can do tough endurance events from your triathlon stuff. The buzz on the day will carry you across that finish line if nothing else. YOU GOT THIS!
What have you bought?
Warhead wrote:

Is this a round in popular improvisation show ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway?’
The Need For The Need For Speed (and Friends!)
... Lots of bumps and scrapes. It's not what I expected - I was expecting Autosport ; I was expecting 'you dint this car, you sit there and do 100 lines'. The Flashbacks (rewinds) are in this, and they're the Grid 2 style rather than the highly controllable Grid style. The racing itself is fast ...
1st world problems
... it or would just leave. Once I'd scanned the code and the site opened, I realised it was just like ordering and paying for a take away delivery on-line at home, which we've done many times. I'm sure the pandemic has pushed a lot of eateries to adopt this, or something similar, to reduce the amount ...
Yep. More grist to the mill for the "they're all at it!" line. Pity.
Non-Genre Specific Music Thread
British Sea Power loses one-third of its line up and is now just Sea Power.
1st world problems
... that the parcel shelf was missing and the height adjustment lever on the driver seat had broken off. I could only get through to their help line, not the local depot. It seems the all large organisation work in a similar way, preventing you contacting your local branch. TL:DR. No one's interested ...
1st world problems
... that the parcel shelf was missing and the height adjustment lever on the driver seat had broken off. I could only get through to their help line, not the local depot. It seems the all large organisation work in a similar way, preventing you contacting your local branch.
Mouse Traps
... the loft with a trap clamped on its neck (that one we did take to the far end of the garden and release, the poor little guy). Now they're second line. We decided to put bait boxes dotted around outside. We don't like that they probably suffer along the way but we were putting at least 3-5 bodies ...
Changing the screen on an ipad
... issue is which screen to buy should I want to replace it? I've seen some for £25 and some for £180. I must be getting confused somewhere along the line here.
Ghostbusters Afterlife
... the same time there looks like there's potentially a lot of fan-service in that trailer that I'm not keen on. I don't think this is the official line, but with the callbacks to what looks like Gozer and the Stay Pufts, and even (I think) a statue of Ivo Shandor (the architect that built 55 Central ...
Bits and Bobs 51
... while trying to splash another one, then the other one fell in anyway. They've given up trying to stand, and are kneeling. And being followed by a line of Canada Geese. What fun. 20210730_132506.jpg And my photos have got mixed up.
Sir Taxalot
... couple of years to build up to it OK) Annoyingly the wood base for the new one was ever so slightly different width to the old one so I elected to line up the centre hooks rather then the edge, and I'm not sure I'm happy with that decision. But if I'd chosen to align one of the edges, I probably ...