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Hah-pee Birf-day Squirt!
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Have a fabulous moussaka!
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My current holiday home in Welsh Wales has absolutely no phone reception, but great wifi.

Fantastic for browsing the web and checking up on places to go. Less good for booking cabs.
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Curiosity wrote:
My current holiday home in Welsh Wales has absolutely no phone reception, but great wifi.

Fantastic for browsing the web and checking up on places to go. Less good for booking cabs.

Anywhere near Cardiff, my good man? Drinky? :D
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Happy Squirting day, birthday!
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Zardoz wrote:

Ta for sharing photo link!

But y'know what, I'm not sure I like. I think he's gone too extreme. He's divorced them from their surroundings with his aggressive tone-mapping and his clarity and his open featureless landscapes and the subsequent supercells, tornadoes and the like have lost a lot of the impact I've found in more immediate nigh-on point and shoot stuff. They're great from the point of view of defining super-structure and anatomy and stuff. Sort of the equivilent of pen-and-ink detailed reproductions from 19th century scientific depictions. And I'd kill - well, maim probably, for a chance to shoot a tornado - but I feel I've found way better by no-names in Flickr. Might post 'em later.
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NervousPete wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
My current holiday home in Welsh Wales has absolutely no phone reception, but great wifi.

Fantastic for browsing the web and checking up on places to go. Less good for booking cabs.

Anywhere near Cardiff, my good man? Drinky? :D

Llangollen. So not very near Cardiff I'm afraid.
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Yay thread locked for no reason
Grim... Last person to post
Drunk grim... Train photo
Grim... Recently given mod powers

I have a feeling those statements are all related.
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Curiosity wrote:
Have a fabulous moussaka!

I still can't believe he didn't invite us back for moussaka.
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I'm in deepest darkest England, setting up for Goodwood. I see road signs fir that London and the people are friendly. Also chip spice, that's a thing is it?
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krazywookie wrote:
Also chip spice, that's a thing is it?

Very much so

I'm never without a tub in the fridge.
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Trooper wrote:
Yay thread locked for no reason
Grim... Last person to post
Drunk grim... Train photo
Grim... Recently given mod powers

I have a feeling those statements are all related.

Grim...   Today, 00:10   Locked topic
» The 'Yay!' thread

Huh. Whoops.
User avatar
SilentElk wrote:
Curiosity wrote:
Have a fabulous moussaka!

I still can't believe he didn't invite us back for moussaka.

AND never since either. Shocking.
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Someone brought a unicycle onto the train this morning. I wonder if he'll start doing this daily; took up about as much room as a folding bike, after all.
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Back at the prison service college today, love all of this training they are throwing at me. :)

Also, bonus phone access!
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Steam Family Sharing coming soon :

Steam Family Sharing allows close friends and family members to play one another's games while earning their own Steam achievements and saving their own game progress to the Steam cloud. It's all enabled by authorizing a shared computer.
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Grim... wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Yay thread locked for no reason
Grim... Last person to post
Drunk grim... Train photo
Grim... Recently given mod powers

I have a feeling those statements are all related.

Grim...   Today, 00:10   Locked topic
» The 'Yay!' thread

Huh. Whoops.

User avatar
zaphod79 wrote:
Steam Family Sharing coming soon :

Steam Family Sharing allows close friends and family members to play one another's games while earning their own Steam achievements and saving their own game progress to the Steam cloud. It's all enabled by authorizing a shared computer.

Looks interesting. Annoying that you can't both play the same game at the same time, but that is understandable.
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I found out an original Xbox controller this morning. I'd forgotten just how big they were.

It's huge but strangely comfortable.
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Superfrog HD is released on Steam today.

Do you think it still contains bottles of Lucozade?
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Trooper wrote:
Looks interesting. Annoying that you can't both play the same game at the same time, but that is understandable.

Given that the whole thing is based around a shared physical machine how would that work anyway?
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Bamba wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Looks interesting. Annoying that you can't both play the same game at the same time, but that is understandable.

Given that the whole thing is based around a shared physical machine how would that work anyway?


The idea behind it is that I can give my mate who lives a hundred miles away access to my library, so he can use it on his computer when i'm not using it on my computer.

Have I read it wrong?
User avatar
Trooper wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Looks interesting. Annoying that you can't both play the same game at the same time, but that is understandable.

Given that the whole thing is based around a shared physical machine how would that work anyway?


The idea behind it is that I can give my mate who lives a hundred miles away access to my library, so he can use it on his computer when i'm not using it on my computer.

Have I read it wrong?

The quote seems to indicate a shared PC.
User avatar
Curiosity wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Looks interesting. Annoying that you can't both play the same game at the same time, but that is understandable.

Given that the whole thing is based around a shared physical machine how would that work anyway?


The idea behind it is that I can give my mate who lives a hundred miles away access to my library, so he can use it on his computer when i'm not using it on my computer.

Have I read it wrong?

The quote seems to indicate a shared PC.


Yes. A Steam account may authorize Family Sharing on up to 10 devices at a given time.

As the lender, you may always access and play your games at any time. If you decide to start playing when a friend is already playing one of your games, he/she will be given a few minutes to either purchase the game or quit playing.

Borrowed games are only available on devices that have been authorized by the lender. Borrowed games will be unavailable on even an authorized device when the lender’s library is currently in use on another computer."
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Thanks for the birthday wishes all! I had a giant Birthday Moussaka with candles on AND ATE IT ALL MYSELF.
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Trooper wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Trooper wrote:
Looks interesting. Annoying that you can't both play the same game at the same time, but that is understandable.

Given that the whole thing is based around a shared physical machine how would that work anyway?


The idea behind it is that I can give my mate who lives a hundred miles away access to my library, so he can use it on his computer when i'm not using it on my computer.

Have I read it wrong?

You have. The idea behind it is to share games between accounts on the same machine. So, say, you and your brother lived in the same house and used the same PC for playing games but each under your own Steam account. Your brother could request access to your library on that machine and could then play games that you'd bought, but he'd be playing them under his account so he'd be getting his own set of achievements and whatnot.

I imagine you could probably do what you're suggesting with a bit of buggering around (i.e. get your mate to sign in to Steam on his PC using your account details then authorise his access to your library on that machine) but that's certainly not the idea behind it. Also if you were playing any game at all on Steam he'd be unable to access any games in your library which they've presumably added to stop this kind of thing.
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Bamba wrote:
You have. The idea behind it is to share games between accounts on the same machine.

That would appear to be at odds with Trooper's quote though:

Yes. A Steam account may authorize Family Sharing on up to 10 devices at a given time.

Why would you need to authorise separate devices if it's intended to be sharing on the same machine?
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You can authorize Steam on lots of machines. I'm guessing you can only do the sharing on ten of them.
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GazChap wrote:
Bamba wrote:
You have. The idea behind it is to share games between accounts on the same machine.

That would appear to be at odds with Trooper's quote though:

Yes. A Steam account may authorize Family Sharing on up to 10 devices at a given time.

Why would you need to authorise separate devices if it's intended to be sharing on the same machine?

Just to give a bit of flexibility I suppose. If you actually read that page it says "shared computer" multiple times so, funnily enough, I'm going to assume from that they mean "shared computer". ;)
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So are we saying that you can do both? Share on separate machines and also share on the same machine?
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TheVision wrote:
So are we saying that you can do both? Share on separate machines and also share on the same machine?

You can share your library with anyone on any computer if you yourself have previously logged into Steam on that particular PC. Is my understanding.
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TheVision wrote:
So are we saying that you can do both? Share on separate machines and also share on the same machine?

I believe so, but you'll have to authorise your mate's machine for your steam account, which will involve giving him your account details (or doing it yourself when you are visiting).
User avatar
That makes sense then. Kind of like the sharing on the PS3.
I saw 2 mink(s?) today. Nowhere near enough to make a coat :(
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Apart from the headline '1 in 4 downloads are piracy' there is an interesting line in this report from the BBC which is

Pirates were prolific consumers of legal digital content, on average spending £26 every three months compared with £16 spent by non-infringers.

Ofcom: Piracy accounts for one in four downloads

Almost a quarter of downloads in the UK infringe copyright, according to a study prepared for regulators.

Just 2% of UK internet users accounted for almost three-quarters of online piracy over a year, the report Ofcom indicated.

A small number of the most prolific pirates accessed "vast amounts" of infringing content, it said.

It also said pirates spent more on legal downloading and streaming than those who never access illegal content.

A small minority of UK internet users illegally downloaded and streamed music, films, games, TV programmes and computer software between May 2012 and May 2013, according to the study undertaken for Ofcom by Kantar Media.

The company processed 21,475 responses to four surveys over the year to research the report.

Films tended to be the most consumed type of pirated content - 35% of the total number of films viewed online infringed copyright.

A passion for particular music, films, games, TV programmes or computer software tended to be the driving force behind both the legal and illegal consumption of content.

Pirates were prolific consumers of legal digital content, on average spending £26 every three months compared with £16 spent by non-infringers.

The highest volume infringers tended to justify their actions by saying that they had already spent enough on content, and that legal content was too expensive.

The top 20% of infringers were more likely than other pirates to have streamed content outside of their home networks, or used mobile technology for illegal downloads, making enforcement complex, said the study.

Only a quarter of the people who consumed the most illegal content said they would stop if they thought they might be sued, and one in five said they would stop if they received a letter from their internet service provider (ISP) telling them that their account had been used for copyright infringement.
I'm now in the 98%
Giving Lovefilm £7.99, Netflix £4.99 & Sky Sports £4.99 a month.
User avatar
I know I've got a substantial amount of DVD & Blu Ray box sets of shows I'd first downloaded illegally.
Same for music. Most bands I first heard on a copied tape/CD/MP3 as the decade required, then bought their albums, concert tickets and so on.
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gospvg wrote:
I'm now in the 98%
Giving Lovefilm £7.99, Netflix £4.99 & Sky Sports £4.99 a month.

Interesting that you're getting Lovefilm AND Netflix.

I expect a detailed comparison, young man.
User avatar
Dr Zoidberg wrote:
I know I've got a substantial amount of DVD & Blu Ray box sets of shows I'd first downloaded illegally.
Same for music. Most bands I first heard on a copied tape/CD/MP3 as the decade required, then bought their albums, concert tickets and so on.

So very much the case here as well.

There's only a couple of bands that I've downloaded stuff for where I haven't then bought loads of their albums, and I at least bought tickets to see them live.
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Back in the day I'd agree, but these days there's so many legitimate ways of listening to new music before putting your hand in your pocket that it's really no excuse.

TV and film on the other hand - that's a different issue.
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SilentElk wrote:
Back in the day I'd agree, but these days there's so many legitimate ways of listening to new music before putting your hand in your pocket that it's really no excuse.

TV and film on the other hand - that's a different issue.

Aye, I no longer pirate music at all. TV on the other hand...

Although I do have a problem with the classification of piracy for something that in a lot of cases is broadcast for free.
Mr Russell wrote:
gospvg wrote:
I'm now in the 98%
Giving Lovefilm £7.99, Netflix £4.99 & Sky Sports £4.99 a month.

Interesting that you're getting Lovefilm AND Netflix.

I expect a detailed comparison, young man.

They both achieve certain requirements I needed. The first was access to a library of Blu_Rays/DVDs so I could watch the latest movies/tv series when released. I never buy Blu-Rays or DVDs to keep unless it is a kids movie. So Lovefilm is great in that I can watch & return a movie then wait for the next to arrive in the post.

Netflix was an experiment, I got a month free voucher & during the month the kids enjoyed watching the various cartoons especially Charlie & Lola, Spongebob & some others I forget. Another advantage of netflix is they have a large collection of Bollywood Movies which my wife & daughter like to watch (I do watch the odd movie occasionally depending on the content). So I was almost forced to sign up to Netflix. To be honest at £4.99 a month it is stupidly cheap for what you get & at the moment is letting me watch the latest Breaking Bad episodes.

I have thought about cancelling Lovefilm. It will mean I will have to wait longer to watch any movies until they appear on Netflix or Freeview TV. Also there are certain US TV Shows that I follow that are not available on Netflix or TV so this is where Lovefilm helps.

So I am stuck with both for now at least until Lovefilm Instant becomes a good enough service to compete with Netflix.

On Top of that I also pay Sky £4.99 a month to watch the sports channel on my iPad. I'm an F1 nut & there was no way I was going to miss watching a grand prix live.

I don't want to pay for a Sky TV Subscription so for now this is what I am stuck with.
Virgin Media 120 MB Internet/Home Telephone £35 Month
Netflix/Lovefilm & Sky Sports £17.97 Month

£635 !! a year - Initially that seems like a lot but I or the family are at least using it all to the max.
Also I think this post has gone on long enough but I just could not stop typing .....
Trooper wrote:
SilentElk wrote:
Back in the day I'd agree, but these days there's so many legitimate ways of listening to new music before putting your hand in your pocket that it's really no excuse.

TV and film on the other hand - that's a different issue.

Aye, I no longer pirate music at all. TV on the other hand...

Although I do have a problem with the classification of piracy for something that in a lot of cases is broadcast for free.

Music is difficult at the moment I have no solution. I'm in two minds if I need to go for a streaming solution of just purchase from a store like Amazon/Goolge Play/iTunes?
User avatar
gospvg wrote:
Trooper wrote:
SilentElk wrote:
Back in the day I'd agree, but these days there's so many legitimate ways of listening to new music before putting your hand in your pocket that it's really no excuse.

TV and film on the other hand - that's a different issue.

Aye, I no longer pirate music at all. TV on the other hand...

Although I do have a problem with the classification of piracy for something that in a lot of cases is broadcast for free.

Music is difficult at the moment I have no solution. I'm in two minds if I need to go for a streaming solution of just purchase from a store like Amazon/Goolge Play/iTunes?

Grim... wrote:
Music is difficult at the moment I have no solution. I'm in two minds if I need to go for a streaming solution of just purchase from a store like Amazon/Goolge Play/iTunes?


Spotify is streaming only is it not?
Can I keep songs offline?

Is it not also similar to Netflix in that if they lose the artist licence the songs will disappear?
Don't think I want that. I think a purchase solution is easier for me that way I can then do anything I want with the MP3.

Copy to Cd to play in the car, copy to iphone or any of the kids ipod touches.
User avatar
I use spotify, if you pay for the £10 a month option, you can download songs offline.
gospvg wrote:
Spotify is streaming only is it not?
Can I keep songs offline?

You need premium to have songs offline.

Comes in handy on my mobile when I don't want to waste the battery with internet when I'm out and about
User avatar
Grim... wrote:
gospvg wrote:
Grim... wrote:
Music is difficult at the moment I have no solution. I'm in two minds if I need to go for a streaming solution of just purchase from a store like Amazon/Goolge Play/iTunes?


Spotify is streaming only is it not?
Can I keep songs offline?

Sort of - you can cache them but you can only play them back with the Spotify software.
User avatar
Trousers wrote:
krazywookie wrote:
Also chip spice, that's a thing is it?

Very much so

I'm never without a tub in the fridge.

wow, i might pick some of that up, it would make Mrs. W (Yorkshire lass) very happy! Thanks :)
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