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Batman: Arkham City
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I'm going to avoid all the spoilers and pictures on this as I can't wait.

I'm with Grim... on this one.
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Okay, but I get to be Batman.

When the third one inevitably comes out, with the inevitable co-op, it's going to be fucking sweet.
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Frankly it'll be nice to have some Batman to play which isn't challenge after fucking challenge.
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Alberto wrote:
Frankly it'll be nice to have some Batman to play which isn't challenge after fucking challenge.

"My game is too long and offers too much value for money! Also, my diamond shoes are too tight!" :D
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:spew: :spew: :spew:

Looks like the front page of the Daily Star.
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Alberto wrote:
Frankly it'll be nice to have some Batman to play which isn't challenge after fucking challenge.

"My game is too long and offers too much value for money! Also, my diamond shoes are too tight!" :D

Nothing of the sort. 1/2 of the Catwoman DLC, the entirety of the Nightwing and Robin DLCS have been doing the exact same Batman challenges over again with a different skin. Appalling value for money.
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Catwoman stuff was DLC?

Did my version of the game come with that, or something? I don't remember downloading anything.
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Catwoman was first-purchase extra content to fuck over GAME robdogs eating EA's children.
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Alberto wrote:
Frankly it'll be nice to have some Batman to play which isn't challenge after fucking challenge.

"My game is too long and offers too much value for money! Also, my diamond shoes are too tight!" :D

The challenges are the same thing over and over. Done them all in isolation? Try doing them in clumps of three, one after the other. Now do them again, both ways, as Catwoman... boy, this sure is fun, check out all the value you're getting from repeating these challenge maps with a different skin on your character! Wait, I know what you need... DLC where you do them a fifth and sixth time as Robin... and a seventh and eighth time as Nightwing! No, don't thank us, this lack of imagination was no trouble at all!
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On a Calendar Man note, what is special about the next date, May 13th? There's no obvious occasion I can think of apart from it being my birthday, and I'm slightly fearful when I speak to him he'll talk about how he is going to kill me :S
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American Mother's Day?
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Yeah, it's Mother's Day for pondhoppers.
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I don't have an American mother so good luck killing her, fatso!!!

Aimed at Calendar Man, not Dimrill or Grim..., for clarity.
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I think the fact that you clarified is more offensive than the possibility of someone reading that meaning into it. :p
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I always wanted to say :boots:
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Alberto wrote:
The challenges are the same thing over and over. Done them all in isolation? Try doing them in clumps of three, one after the other.

Hmmm, ok. But... couldn't you just not play them? If they're dull, like.
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Doctor Glyndwr wrote:
Alberto wrote:
The challenges are the same thing over and over. Done them all in isolation? Try doing them in clumps of three, one after the other.

Hmmm, ok. But... couldn't you just not play them? If they're dull, like.

Well yes. But you were suggesting they added great extra replay value for money, and that is absolutely not the case, whether I play them and hate them or avoid them completely.
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But that's only because you don't like them. People that love the shit out of the challenges* probably disagree.

*I really liked them on the first one, and on the second one, but I've not done as many on the sequel (but then I had far more time to play the first one). Not that I as ever that good at them, or anything. Got Gold on Shock and Awe Hardcore mode though, fucker!
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I did quite like them in the first one. I liked the in the second one too, they have a good balance of being challenging but not so tough that I felt I could never do them. But there's too many of them in Arkham City, and to say that they add replay value is an extremely kind way of viewing it.

Also, hardcore? Is that a mode I never noticed existed, or do you mean the "Extreme" version of each map with extra enemies?
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Alberto wrote:
Also, hardcore? Is that a mode I never noticed existed, or do you mean the "Extreme" version of each map with extra enemies?

Yeah, probably. I think Shock and Awe had a tighter time limit, too.
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Grim... wrote:
Alberto wrote:
Also, hardcore? Is that a mode I never noticed existed, or do you mean the "Extreme" version of each map with extra enemies?

Yeah, probably. I think Shock and Awe had a tighter time limit, too.

I never really noticed the time limits; if you ran out of time then it meant you'd fucked up your combos to the point where you weren't going to get 3 batarangs anyway, so the were a bit redundant.
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Really? I remember finishing the hard one with literally zero seconds left on the clock, and that was after a lot of tries.
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I think they're shit. I loved AA from start to finish, but my limited time spent with the challenge rooms made me want to wedgie a priest. Decided I'll leave them there, as I don't want to spoil my experience of the game.
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Harley Quinns revenge DLC will be available later today.
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ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
Not really. The challenge map bit I mean, I have actually just downloaded it and am about to fire it up and start the AAAAARRRRRRRGH MY GODS NO IT'S MORE CHALLENGE MAPS MAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOP!!!!!!!!! It's a real shame I can't put spoiler tags inside spoiler tags :(
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I managed to forget all about the DLC, but picked it up yesterday. I've not tried yet - is it any good?

How long does it last?
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Grim... wrote:
I managed to forget all about the DLC, but picked it up yesterday. I've not tried yet - is it any good?

How long does it last?

I quite liked it... nothing magical, but nice enough. It's only an evening's worth though. You play as Robin for a bit, if that's a good thing?
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Decided that this would be the game to keep me occupied over the Christmas period (after going through Arkham Asylum a second time recently). The previous game was a hard act to follow and after about an hour so far, it feels a bit all over the place, switching characters, a few dull locations. Hopefully it'll kick in soon.

I'd have expected the GOTY edition to at least have something approaching a manual though.. it's a bit miserly.
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devilman wrote:
The previous game was a hard act to follow and after about an hour so far, it feels a bit all over the place, switching characters, a few dull locations. Hopefully it'll kick in soon.

I did struggle with it at first, the game world is open in a way that makes it feel a bit directionless at first and I always felt things could be introduced more smoothly; but once you get your head round how the place hangs together it really gets it's hooks in.
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Bamba wrote:
devilman wrote:
The previous game was a hard act to follow and after about an hour so far, it feels a bit all over the place, switching characters, a few dull locations. Hopefully it'll kick in soon.

I did struggle with it at first, the game world is open in a way that makes it feel a bit directionless at first and I always felt things could be introduced more smoothly; but once you get your head round how the place hangs together it really gets it's hooks in.

Yeah, it certainly clicked with me eventually. :) Finished the main story today. Just got one question though, which is mainly a result of me not paying enough attention during the cut-scenes..

ZOMG Spoiler! Click here to view!
At which point does Batman cure himself of the poison? The Ras Al Ghul bit is temporary, the bit where they find a cure and Batman injects himself with it triggers the Mad Hatter and near the end, it appeared that as he was about to inject himself, it was knocked from him.
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Finished the Harley's Revenge DLC a couple of days ago and quite enjoyed playing as Robin, but mainly because Batman is even more of a dick in the cut-scenes than he is in the main game.
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I've been trying to think of the answer to your question, and I can't really recall... it may well just be assumed he does it in amongst all the stuff that goes on in the final cut-scene. Unfortunately not something that I can go back and look at though without a whole game replay :(
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Picked a copy at last, a tenner in Tesco for - yes! - the Wii U. It's different in this version, something to do with the controller screen and so on. No idea if I'll get round to actually playing it, mind.
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Anonymous X wrote:
Picked a copy at last, a tenner in Tesco for - yes! - the Wii U. It's different in this version, something to do with the controller screen and so on. No idea if I'll get round to actually playing it, mind.

You really should, it's fucking excellent. One of my top games of this generation for sure.
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Both Batman games have been, for me.
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Although I am of the opinion that the first one was the better game, overall. Thoroughly enjoyed both, mind. Dunno about the new one. :shrug:
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LewieP wrote:
Although I am of the opinion that the first one was the better game, overall. Thoroughly enjoyed both, mind. Dunno about the new one. :shrug:

What's your concern about the new one?
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LewieP wrote:
Although I am of the opinion that the first one was the better game, overall.

Me too. It felt a little more focused, both in terms of the game world and Batman's abilities. I think the second one has a few too many gadgets, and I think the Riddler trophies and various other long-winded side missions are stretched out a little too far. The first one hooked me in, but I drifted away from the second after completing about half of it.
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Bamba wrote:
LewieP wrote:
Although I am of the opinion that the first one was the better game, overall. Thoroughly enjoyed both, mind. Dunno about the new one. :shrug:

What's your concern about the new one?

It's a new team, because Rocksteady are busy working on the proper next gen one, so it's a filler game. They won't be trying anything particularly new or risky, so I am expecting a cookie cutter sequel.

They seem to be amping the scope up a bit, which as I said I think introduced problems in Arkham City.

The first trailer also wasn't very much like batman, it could have been any action hero.

But it will probably be solid.
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Cracked open Arkham City earlier and played for a couple of hours. Possibly not my 'thing', as I don't like violent, grim games at all, and I'm finding the controls frustrating. Admire what the developers have put together, however. Seems like a bit of Grand Theft Auto 3, Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid and Metroid Prime all thrown together. With Batman.

Believe it or not, but the graphics impressed me in a, a Nintendo console does HD graphics now, sort of way. I know the visuals are 'only' 360 or PS3 quality, but when you've been using the Wii U just to play Nintendo Land, a formulaic 2D Mario game and Super NES games, that is something.

Bit mixed about the game uses the GamePad - interesting idea to have the radio chatter come from the controller speaker, and the menus being accessible all the time on the screen is helpful. Not really keen on having to tilt the GamePad around to scan things though.

Getting the feeling that if I'd played the first game through, I'd be less confused about what to do and when.

Are the Riddler trophies optional, and what do you get for them? If they're mandatory that would really demotivate me, TBH.
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You get Batpoints to spend on upgrades, but you don't need them.

Why didn't they put the map on the Uscreen? Or the gadgets?
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Anonymous X wrote:
Possibly not my 'thing', as I don't like violent, grim games at all

A game about Batman may not have been a wise choice then...


On a more constructive note, even having played the first game and generally loving the series I remember struggling with it a bit at the start. Especially the Riddler trophy stuff because the vast majority of them you see you can't even get near without upgrades that won't come until much later but it's not great at letting you know that. Indeed I remember that practically the very first one you see at the start of the game is utterly obtuse and annoying which a really bad starting experience. Ignore them for the moment and just follow where the game leads and you'll get into the rhythm of it.

Once you get a couple of grapple upgrades and can start zooming round without touching the ground the actual city itself opens up and becomes a real joy to traverse. And once you get the hang of the Riddler trophies I personally found them great fun; very inventive and a good reason to fly around the city hunting them and ignoring the main game whenever you fancy a change of pace. When you finish the game and the whole city opens up I thoroughly enjoyed going around ticking the trophies off, but that might just be me.

The first game does certainly have a smoother lead-in because it's a more guided and less 'open' game design. There's nothing in there that you absolutely need to know to enjoy the second one but it's at least as good, if not better, so personally I'd have advised to start with the first one just for the sake of doing them in order.
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Ah, but the first one isn't available on the Wii U. ;)

Presumably then I can complete the main story mode, then go after the Riddler trophies? If so, that sounds ideal.

Sounds like the main area of the game has a sort of 'hub' design, and you have to backtrack later on with new tools and weapons to open new areas?

I know what you mean about the violence bit. I can stomach violent films and TV shows, and Batman graphic novels of course, but it's far more unnerving in games. Particularly coupled with the graphical sophistication of modern games machines, and voice acting.
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Anonymous X wrote:
Ah, but the first one isn't available on the Wii U. ;)

Is the Wii the only gaming thing you've got? The first game is probably cheap as hell for the Xbox/PC/PS3 by now and well worth picking up.

Anonymous X wrote:
Presumably then I can complete the main story mode, then go after the Riddler trophies? If so, that sounds ideal.

Yeah, they're entirely optional, although I picked the easier ones up as I came across them and only left the harder ones for the end of the game. Be aware that there is an (optional) subplot and bit of gameplay associated with them so they're worth grabbing even for that but you don't need to collect all of them to trigger that content (it's somewhere between 60 and 75% required) and you can leave the entire thing until after you've done the main game if you really want. Picking them up does net you XP which, if I remember rightly, is the currency used for buying upgrades so from that point of view it's definitely worth picking the easier ones up as you go but it's totally up to you.

To be honest I wouldn't worry about this stuff too much, once you've played through the game a bit the structure becomes pretty clear. It's certainly not great at explaining itself right at the beginning but the experience smooths itself out not too far in.

Anonymous X wrote:
Sounds like the main area of the game has a sort of 'hub' design, and you have to backtrack later on with new tools and weapons to open new areas?

If I remember correctly the new areas are opened up as the plot advances rather than because you've picked up specific upgrades or whatever and the 'overworld' of the city is used to travel between the 'dungeons'. There are also sometimes tasks you need to complete in the overworld that leads you to the next dungeon. The gadget upgrades are mostly for finding secrets or even alternative paths through the actual levels and for just giving you more options in combat. I'm saying all this from memory of playing the game nearly two years ago so could be misrepresenting it. Someone else will be along shortly to clarify no doubt.
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You mean the Wii U? No, I have a launch-model PS3 still, but don't play games on it any more. Not sure my Mac's up to current games.

I've noticed that there is XP gained from fights, which I thought was unusual for this sort of game. I'm not going to get stuck later on if I'm not sufficiently upgraded, am I? :S

Caught when playing last night that there's an overworld/dungeon structure, very Nintendo. Although I think the game is more of a Metroidvania but in 3D with Metal Gear Solid and GTA influences, if that makes sense. Or not.

Anyway, I got up to the point where Batman's kicked out of a window in a wheelchair and has to go and find a very cold villain. Then before switching the Wii U off, I noticed that my save game said I was 2% into the game(!). It's not that vast, surely? 8)
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Anonymous X wrote:
You mean the Wii U?

Yes, I'm just being lazy in not typing out the U because we both know what we're talking about here.

Anonymous X wrote:
No, I have a launch-model PS3 still, but don't play games on it any more.

Surely you just mean, "I haven't played games on it recently" as there's nothing stopping you plugging it in and playing something on it. Anyway, I'd advise getting Arkham Asylum for it because it's excellent.

Anonymous X wrote:
I've noticed that there is XP gained from fights, which I thought was unusual for this sort of game. I'm not going to get stuck later on if I'm not sufficiently upgraded, am I? :S

What exactly is "this sort of game"? It's whatever the designers have made it be as it's not like there are any rules surrounding this stuff. And I wouldn't worry too much about the upgrades, if you need something the game will let you know and everything else is optional.

I'd say in general you're massively over-thinking all of this; just play the game and trust it to take you through the experience. If you've got any specific questions shout out, but apart from that just play the game man! ;)

Anonymous X wrote:
Anyway, I got up to the point where Batman's kicked out of a window in a wheelchair and has to go and find a very cold villain. Then before switching the Wii U off, I noticed that my save game said I was 2% into the game(!). It's not that vast, surely? 8)

It's no longer or shorter than any other 'full' console game of this generation. Your completion % takes into account all the optional stuff (side quests, combat/gadget challenges and the riddler trophies) so don't worry about that unless you want to.
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Bamba wrote:
Surely you just mean, "I haven't played games on it recently" as there's nothing stopping you plugging it in and playing something on it.

Are you his stalker?
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Grim... wrote:
Bamba wrote:
Surely you just mean, "I haven't played games on it recently" as there's nothing stopping you plugging it in and playing something on it.

Are you his stalker?

Because I need to be peering in his living room window to know that you can play games on a PS3?
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