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 Post subject: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:54 
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Hibernating Druid

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What have been the entertainment highlights of the year for you?

For me it's been:

360 Game: Dark Souls - Just pure, hardcore adventuring. More please. Could well be my game of this generation.

Music: Er..... - Only really loved finding new old stuff this year. Can't think of anything new that's stood out at all.

TV: True Blood Series 4 Vampires, Werewolves, Shifters, Pixies, Poofs and Rednecks all at it.

Film: Er..... Not managed to watch much new stuff this year at all. The Inbetweeners film was quite funny but hardly a ground breaking classic. I'll have to watch more next year. Troll Hunter :metul:

Best Gig: Magazine - Manchester Academy One of my all time faves. Totally blew me away. Still sound amazing despite the lack of John McGeoch who'd died in 2004, and so chuffed I had the last minute chance to see them as I missed their 2009 tour.

SD&DG Illustrated! Behance Bleep Bloop

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 13:10 
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360 game: Portal 2, hands down. A game that actually made me laugh in a proper comedy way, not a shit 'game' sort of way.

Music: The new Primus and Death Cab for Cutie albums were very good. Most other stuff was from previous years - Swans' 'My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky' was the standout album I listened to this year, despite being released in 2010.

TV: This year was a mainly catch up on Buffy and Angel year, with some comedy stuff thrown in between. I can't think of much new stuff that I watched this year. An Idiot Abroad 2 was pretty good, though. Also Rev series 2 has been incredibly funny so far.

Film: I enjoyed Source Code by Zowie Bowie. I can't think of many others released this year.

Best Gig: A toss-up between Kunt and the Gang (music) or The Boy with Tape on His Face (comedy). Both exceptional performance artists in very different ways.

Personal Achievement of 2011: joining Nottingham Baseball Club in May, then becoming first team manager and winning the Most Improved Player award by October.

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 13:29 

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Game - Deus Ex: HR - Lovely game from start to finish. And it works, unlike Skyrim which is the only other thing out this year I've bought, apart from FM 2012 which is a bloody good iteration.

Music - Florence and the Machine 'Ceremonials' is awesome. Poppies and Nicola Roberts also impressed.

TV - Fresh Meat probably has been the only thing I've looked forward to very week and made the effort to watch 'live'.

Film - Troll Hunter, with tons I've enjoyed - Bad Teacher, Cpt. America, Thor, Hanna, Horrible Bosses, Midnight in Paris, Adjustment Bureau, X-Men.

Gig - Justin Sullivan @ Hull Adelphi - what do you do when you dislike the current output of your favourite band? Go and watch the singer do a load of old stuff 200 yards up the road. A close-run thing with Ted Key singing Caravan of Love in my front garden. Failing that, Carter stormed Beautiful Days festival.

 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 13:33 
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GovernmentYard wrote:
Game - Deus Ex: HR - Lovely game from start to finish. And it works, unlike Skyrim which is the only other thing out this year I've bought, apart from FM 2012 which is a bloody good iteration.

You stole Battlefield 3?!

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 13:34 

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myps pies wrote:
GovernmentYard wrote:
Game - Deus Ex: HR - Lovely game from start to finish. And it works, unlike Skyrim which is the only other thing out this year I've bought, apart from FM 2012 which is a bloody good iteration.

You stole Battlefield 3?!

Traded in for it. Also, it isn't finished either, like Skyrim.

 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 13:35 
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GovernmentYard wrote:
myps pies wrote:
GovernmentYard wrote:
Game - Deus Ex: HR - Lovely game from start to finish. And it works, unlike Skyrim which is the only other thing out this year I've bought, apart from FM 2012 which is a bloody good iteration.

You stole Battlefield 3?!

Traded in for it. Also, it isn't finished either, like Skyrim.

Just contesting the 'bought' statement, not the overall quality.

I am currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience.


 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 13:35 
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Hibernating Druid

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GovernmentYard wrote:
Film - Troll Hunter

Of course! Easily my fave of the year.

SD&DG Illustrated! Behance Bleep Bloop

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 13:42 
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Hmm.. I'm not even sure what I've played/listened to/seen that was released this year. The only thing that springs to mind is Puressence's latest album 'Solid State Recital'. I was a bit non-plussed with it at first, but it's certainly a grower and I'm listening to it daily now so that's Album of the Year for me (by default). It's on Spotify too if you want to try it out - the title track is the catchiest if you want an introduction.

Dark Soul should be here in a few days, so that'll be Game of the Year by default too. :)

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 14:11 
For me it's been:

360 Game: Only bought LA Noire - so that... it was fun and had parkman from heroes in it

Music: this:

TV: Allt för Sverige Americans in Sweden fighting for to meet their relatives, one gets eliminated each week. brilliant tv.

Film: Hangover pt 2? - The only film I've seen?

[b]Best Gig: Haven't seen any

 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 14:11 
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I love lists.

Film: We Need to Talk About Kevin. Best film of the year, no doubt! 2nd place: Drive. Fucking fantastic; dark, cool, sexy, awesome! Best soundtrack of the year too! 3rd place, probs Troll Hunter :)

TV: Breaking Bad. Only started watching it from season 1 this year, watched all 4 seasons back to back, I CAN NOT WAIT for the final season next year! If it ends as well as it's promising, this could be my favourite TV programme ever!

Music: Tons of great stuff this year! Loads of ace Death/Black Metal; both Blut Aus Nord albums, Urfaust, Ulcerate, Dark Castle, Nader Sadek, Leviathan, Autopsy, Pentagram. Also, Kuedo (electronica/Vangelis worship from Jamie Vex'd - you'd like this, Zardoz!) and the reissue of Ekca Liena's debut "Slow Music for Rapid Eye Movement" (and not just because I re-mixed/mastered it and contributed a Pupilar remix for the bonus CD) ;)

Gig: Probably Yob/Dark Castle at the Star and Garter in Manchester. I really really enjoyed Dark Castle! Black Heart Procession in Salford was amazing too! I haven't been to loads of gigs this year, been a bit of a quiet one. Other non-music events have been great though, like the Brighton/Liverpool/London Tattoo conventions and catching some sessions of snooker at the Masters in London and the World Championship in Sheffield... and going to Sweden/Denmark in April, that was really ace! My couple days trip to Edinburgh was brilliant (thanks to Kalmar for eating-out recommendations) and, of course, Tinkers Meet 2011!!


 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 14:28 
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Best new hardware format: Nintendo 3DS. Started off the year as an overpriced white elephant with a software library consisting of ports and minor updates, ended as a more reasonably priced handheld with some pretty decent games (Star Fox 64 3D excluded).

 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 14:37 
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Hibernating Druid

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pupil wrote:
Kuedo (electronica/Vangelis worship from Jamie Vex'd - you'd like this, Zardoz!)

Ta for the heads up, I'll have a listen.

SD&DG Illustrated! Behance Bleep Bloop

'Not without talent but dragged down by bass turgidity'

 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 15:17 
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360 game: Gotta be Dark Souls for sheer enjoyment, magic feeling of acheivement and the atmosphere of the game. >70 hours and still loads to do, but not in a "cant be arsed with this grind" way, but a "cant wait to do them" way.

Music: Local friends Dutch Uncles released their second album on Memphis Industries. Surely one to watch.

TV: I discovered the Inbetweeners this year and its gotta be my most watched stuff. Other than that I dont really do TV or follow series. South Park is still funny.

Film: Drive by a country mile. Loved every second of it. The soundtrack was sublime too, and the ending was great, thankfully.

Best Gig: Bombay Bicycle Club @ Apollo Manchester. I built an effect pedal for the bass player and got invited to the show (guestlist, backstage pass) which only put the icing on the cake of what was a joyous event. Incredible live band. Also another plug for the above, Dutch Uncles, Dec 2nd, Deaf Institute Manchester. Great to see how far they've come.

Personal Achievement of 2011: Learning how to build my own guitar effects pedals. Started last year and Ive progressed beyond my imagination. You can read about what I've been doing on my blog, if such topics interest you. Ive spent a lot of money on this new hobby, but that pales in comparison to the value I have taken from it, both emotionally and in terms of what I would of spent had I bought off the shelf versions of the things I've DIY'd.


 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 16:27 
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Best game: Dark souls. Like it was even close. For my money, the best game I've played in a long, long time. Captures everything that is good about old school games, and leaves behind all the shit. The only problem with it is that it may now have broken every other game out there for not being Dark Souls.

Music: Metallica - Lulu. For not only being the only new music I've heard this year, but for being so monumentally shit it's nigh on pant wettingly hilarious. Mainly the former there,, mind.

TV: Misfits. Well, given it's about the only thing I watch other than a couple of sports and a Doctoring of Who, not much competition.

Film: Err, yeah. I don't think I've watched any 2011 films.

 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 17:12 
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Best game of the year: Okamiden. A DS only sequel to Okami for PS2 and Wii. Its kinda like a dog based Zelda but set in feudal Japan.

Music (Commercial): Olly Murs feat Rizzle Kicks Heart Skips a Beat. Even though he's reality trash, the track harks back to somewhere in 1990. I didn't mind Adele Someone Like You, but constant radio exposure has killed it for me.

Music (Underground): Myriadd Beyond this life EP, solid old school house but brand new. There's honourable mentions for Legowelt The TEAC Life album for some great Detroit Techno and Innergaze Way of Life.

TV: Either Black Mirror or a PBS documentary on pinball called Special When Lit, both were pretty good.

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 14:00 
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Best film:

Tree of Life

It's impossible to know how this film will stand the test of time, but purely for sheer beauty Tree of Life has to be considered the film of the year. Malick films are so rare it's almost a pretentious arthouse cliche to automatically stick them on your year's best of list and yet the hype 'Tree' remains a moving experience for both the eyes and the ears. The cinematography by Emmanuel Lubezki echoes the mind's eye when it comes to memory; homing in on simple details such as hand running under a tap, the spiral of stained glass in the dome of a cathedral, the billowing curtains of a room, a woman walking and crying in the middle of a leafy suburban street, two neighbours revolving around her, wringing their hands, locked in sympathetic helplessness. Like Bladerunner's Tyrell Corp., 'Tree' implants fake memories that stick with you.

Alexandre DeSplatt also contributes a fine, etheral choral score which marries well with the detailed, earthy and natural soundscape. Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain are great as the parents, embodiments of Grace and Nature, and Pitt excells finding depth and pity and love in a difficult and unsympathetic role. Sean Penn has presence, but is given little to do other than to provide a frame for the memories. This is Malick's vision and it is a fine one, different from any film out there. Yet it doesn't set out to be an impossible act to follow and points a way for films to free themselves of conventional narrative and the quest structure, and yet still be memorable, pacy and full of story. The film falters in the final ten minutes, as Malick's reach exceeds his grasp and the final emotional carthasis somewhat resembles a beach-based Hugo Boss advert. This doesn't detract from the overall experience however, as like the Penn's character one chooses to remember the journey of his childhood, not his 'spiritual' destination.

Best Album:

Let England Shake - P J Harvey

What can I say? Shakes with concussion, shakes with shellshock, shakes with mangled nerves. The best war album out there and thoroughly deserved the Mercury.

Best Game:

Shogun 2

Oooh. Tough one this. There's a fair few I've enjoyed and possibly in thanks of my ignorance of Saints Row 2, I'm heartily enjoying Saints Row 3. Alas, my computer is too slow for Battlefield 3 and Skyrim, so I'll never know if they made my list. There's also a fair few little Steam indie titles that I've heartily enjoyed. Ultimately, I think the accolade must go to Shogun: Total War 2. (Or is that Total War 2: Shogun, it's very confusing.) It perfectly evokes the sengoku jidai period of Japan, and actually has a semi-decent battle AI this time. The diplomacy is full of personality and the game cunningly gangs everyone up on you when you declare yourself Shogun, which is both historically plausible and makes for a good endgame. It's a far more concise and poised offering than the bloated Empire and Medieval 2, as the limited landmass makes for faster, fiercer gameplay. You must always be expanding, and thus pissing someone off. It looks lovely too, with a beautiful soundtrack, and runs pretty well on my old PC. It is indeed the best Total War game since the original Shogun, and comes pretty much after I'd written the company off after the previous tedious offerings.

The naval warfare's still crap though.

Best website:

Rock Paper Shotgun. As far as honest reviews, PC gaming news, retro articles and laughs go, RPS is streets ahead in my book. It's the best thing since AP, and I particularily enjoy the Flare Path, a regular column about simulations. Bonus points for comedic but informative forays into the world of Street-Cleaning sims and suchlike. The resurgence of PC gaming owes more than a little to the wonderful RPS, which will always let you know when a good deal is going down (thanks to LewieP!) and how that latest lovely indie title is coming along.

Best TV show:

Damningly it isn't Doctor Who. I really wanted to make it number 1, as it has many fine things and is still the most inventive TV show out there. Also Matt Smith has cemented his position as best Doc. ever. It is a shame then that Moffat's convoluted story-arc ended up baffling, whilst his plotting forced characters to briskly leap through emotional hoops with very few moments genuinely registering. So it only gets four out of five, this time. (The Doctor's Wife WAS awesome, though.) No, best TV show has to be...

... gosh, have I actually watched any TV other than Who? Wish I could put down West Wing Series 1, which I've only just seen. That's awesome. Hmm, I'll have to get back to you on this one.

Best Gig:

Emma Peel / James Yorkston at Green Man festival. Her tinkly music box covers of Blue Monday and Pearly Dew Drops were tremendous, and her own material was most fine too. She was then followed by James Yorkston, who's rambunctious barn-storming set had me moshing like a mental - as far as a bald guy can mosh anyway.

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 14:21 
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360 Game: Batman 2.
Music: The Dirtyphonics remix of Me and You by Nero.

TV: Buffy? ;) Or The Killing, if that's 2011. Celebrity Juice if it's not. Or Top Gear.

Film: Hmm. It's probably Your Highness.

Best Gig: Naz Osmanoglu at Up The Creek.

Grim... wrote:
I wish Craster had left some girls for the rest of us.

 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 19:15 
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Best albums of the year... in my opinion... at the moment... subject to change

I know I've forgotten one as well... GAH!

10) Tom Vek - Leisure Seizure
Almost higher by virtue of the awesomeness of the song and video for 'Aroused' (utilised well by Mark X in Song Wars 2), but like his previous album, it, for me, had a few storming tracks and a lot that did little to interest me.

9) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
Yes, it's Coldplay, and yes they're shit. Whatever. The lead single, 'Every Teardrop is a Waterfall' is superb slice of indie/dance/pop, and there are a few other good tracks on the album. It's not a classic, but it's more interesting and not as bad as people would like you to believe.

8) Bombay Bicycle Club - A Different Kind of Fix
Could be a lot higher, I need to listen to it more. Either way, 'Shuffle' is one of my favourite indie songs of recent years, and 'Lights Out, Words Gone' is just a beautiful, mellow, somnolescent joy of a track.

7) Mates of State - Mountaintops
Might be higher than this, as I love the band, but them not releasing it in this country kinda made it annoying to get legitimately. Either way, it's exactly what you would expect from this band; lots of tight harmonies, deliriously fun and happy keyboards, and more hooks than a butcher's fetish shop.

6) Nicola Roberts - Cinderella's Eyes
The ginger one from Girls Aloud! Doing crazy dance-pop! YAY!

5) Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History
Very much the British indie breakthrough of the year. You know of their songs even if you didn't realise it, as they get stuck on all sorts of adverts, linking segments, at spots in telly shows, etc. Simple jingly, jangly guitar music, but done with great verve and a knack for a catchy melody.

4) Lisa Hannigan - Passengers
I'll be honest, I thought her first album was a missed opportunity. Whilst I adore the former backing singer for Damien Rice, I didn't think her first album showed off her voice enough, and was a little too whimsical and forgettable. It was okay, but I thought it should have been much better. Oh my word, this is much better. From the opening of the first (and possibly strongest) track, 'Home', we're into far more serious territory. Her voice soars majestically, strong yet fragile in tone, so full of emotion it just makes you want to burst. Elsewhere on the album, Ray LaMontagne comes in to do a passable Damien Rice impression on 'O Sleep', which is simply bloody fantastic. If you have any interest in the likes of Mr Rice, or lovely female singer-songwriters then, at the very least, check out that song.

3) The Decemberists - The King is Dead
After a few concept albums that didn't quite work for me, the finest alternative country/folk band in the world are back on quite stonking form. Really lush Americana, echoing very early REM (indeed, I believe Peter Buck plays some guitar for them). Excellent vocals, good stories, and stand-out track after stand-out track. This was the front-runner for me for most of the year, and a damn fine album it is too.

2) Florence + The Machine - Ceremonials
Florence did something strange in releasing her highly-anticipated second album, and that was to release one of the least exciting songs on an album full of exciting songs as the lead single. 'What the water gave me' isn't bad, but it's far from the heights of many of the other songs. Her vocals are impeccable throughout, covering a vast range with the power she evidenced so well on 'Lungs'. "Lover to Lover", with its unconventional bridge that initially sounds very wrong, before slowly slipping into a place in your mind which feels like it must have always been there, is my high-spot, but there are many great tracks here. "All This and Heaven" soars, and "No Light, No Light" is a great up-tempo, dancier number. Bravo Florence.

1) Foster the People - Torches
I discovered these guys about a month ago, after downloading the bonus track from their album for free off Amazon. It's a great little track called 'Love', very much influence by American alt-rock acts like Spoon, with excellent, pounding rhythmic pianos providing the backdrop for stark vocals which then blend into chirpy, happy harmonies in the chorus... and that was just the freakin' bonus track!

Having not heard of the band, who are apparently getting a fair bit of hype now, I overlooked their breakthrough hit ('Pumped Up Kicks') and found instead other gems within the album. It's a far more electronic beast than the bonus track suggested, with keyboards taking over from pianos, and all manner of weird beats and squelchy noises. It's an album that has been a spectacular grower; I was initially uncertain, but have now been thoroughly won over by their knack for a killer chorus, and their excellent ways of implanting their keyboards directly into the part of the brain that makes me want to smile and dance around. I think 'Houdini' is my favourite song on the album, but 'I Would Do Anything For You' (no, not the Meatloaf song) and 'Call It What You Want' are running it pretty close. As is 'Don't Stop'.

It's just great, okay?

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 22:55 
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Location: Stockport - The Jewel in the Ring
Best Game: Portal 2. Just an absolute delight from start to finish. And on replay, you begin to understand how incredibly dark the storyline is.

Gig: Terrorvision, Manchester Academy. Back, with a new album chock full of tunes, Terrorvision are Side B to the soundtrack of my life and the sheer joy of bouncing around like a lunatic to it and their classic stuff just put me in my happy place.

Music: Well, I've been digging around the recesses of my old stuff, but I did enjoy The Colour and The Shape.

TV: Well, it has to be Castle. Basically Diagnosis:Author, it is fluffy fun, with the occasional epically awesome storyline. Not sure how long they can keep it up though.

Film: Erm, well, I'm looking forward to watching The Guard. Oh, hang on, I saw Senna earlier this year. That was bloody superb.

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 0:49 
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360 Game: Skyrim. It's Oblivion, but moreso.

PC Game - Portal 2. It's Portal, but moreso.

TV - Parks & Recreation (Season 3). Community is more anarchic and adventurous and when it connects (Modern Warfare, the Dungeons & Dragons episode from S2, the multiple-timelines episode from this season) there's nothing that can touch it. But Parks & Rec is just consistantly hilarious week in, week out and is the reigning Funniest Thing On Telly for the last two years. Honourable mention to Breaking Bad which was on fire this year.

Music - Boxer Rebellion - The Cold Still. Terrible band name. Great album. Really liked The Decemberists' "The King Is Dead" too. Favourite single song was either Lera Lynn's cover of Wolf Like Me or Exile Vilify by The National.

Film - ...did I really not see a single film at the cinema this year? Bloody hell.

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 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:20 
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Game: Skyrim. Best game I've ever played.

Music: Anathema's "Falling Deeper" with Adversarial's "Prophetic Plain of Abyssal Revelation" EP running a distant second.

Film: Nope. Probably Senna, too.

TV: Deadliest Catch or The First 48. Don't seem to watch anything else as I don't like shitting dancing or fucking singing.

Experience: Introducing Dave, Perkies, The 34lb Clit and Myp to Braindead.

Washing Machine: Fine. Kettle: Needs De-scaling. Shower: Brand new. Boiler: Fine.
Archimedes Hotdog Rhubarb Niner Zero Niner.

 Post subject: Re: Best things of 2011
PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:28 
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Dimrill wrote:
shitting dancing or fucking singing.

I'd watch...

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