Hello boys and girls, I have been asked to do this weeks Beex Weex and after some initial reluctance I decided to accept the challenge, this is the first article I have written since about 2004, so I might be a little rusty (what do you mean it shows?).I used to write for various quake 3 websites, doing round ups of online tournaments and reviews of clan matches and so on, so if you see any of that seeping in please excuse it*.
So I've been thinking of how to start this, and I think I should start with a "Previously on..."
So here we go:
Previously on Beex Weex...Actually, I changed my mind, that's a silly idea, and very hard to get working with the format we have, it might work on big tv shows, helping you to refresh your memory of what happened last week, but I don't think it will work on a forum review (especially as you can just click the relevant links to see what happened any way)
So, given that I'm not starting with a "previously on..." what should I start with? Oh, what's that? You just want me to get on with it? Okay then, why didn't you say so?
I understand that I don't actually have to do any work here, I just collate the articles that have been submitted, and that's it done yeah?
Well if that is the case, here's your lot:
Kalmar Arrests Mr Wendal's Development[*]
Malbelm manages his moneyshot[*]
Kissyfur wants Murdoch to be more Nicklesonesque[*]
Zardoz is as Zardoz does[*]
Zardoz chooses a good example[*]
Zardoz (nominated twice for this hattrick post) again[*]
Plissken allows Kissyfur to get straight to work on his new policySo, there we go, all done.
What do you mean I've got to do more?
I really don't have time for this, I've only got 50 minutes of my lunch left, and I've not eaten anything yet... I know I said I was going to do this last night, but a 30 minute blast on portal2 turned in to a 4 hour marathon. Ok, here are some of the more notable topics of the last week.
Doctor Glyndwr wanted to find out where the cheapest place to buy onions was.[*]
Kern marked the 150th aniversary of the first battle of Bull Run by reviewing "North and South"[*]
Zaphod79 launches week1 of the C64 challenge[*]
Malc (hey that's me) gets people recalling their childhood (poor Mimi)Right, unfortunatly I'm going to have to end this here, it's not as good as I would have liked, but hey, trying to fit this around a 9-5:30 job with 12 hours of commuting a week, 4 kids, a partner, TV time, xbox time etc is quite hard work, I hope you're not too disappointed in it, I guess I'll end with the photo of the week:
Stop the press, last minute addition:
* I didn't get the time to work this joke in, please ignore it