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 Post subject: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 14:48 
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His latest column.

Seriously, it's absolutely disgusting. ... ators.html

Article quoted in spoilers for those who don't want to taint their browsers with the Mail's website.

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Littlejohn: OK, audience... fingers on detonators!

Hostile forces may be operating within 40 miles of Kabul, but there is encouraging news for those who believe that Afghanistan can be transformed into a fully functioning, pro-Western democracy.

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? has finally arrived on Afghan television. It is one of the last countries on Earth to produce a local version of the phenomenally successful British quiz show.

More than 20,000 people have applied for the chance to win a top prize of one million afghani (about 40p). This column has just received an exclusive DVD of the pilot episode, presented by Chris Talibant.

Afghan Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, presented by Chris Talibant

Fastest finger first. Put the following invasions of Afghanistan in descending order by date:

The first British invasion; the second British invasion; the Soviet invasion; and, finally, the American-led invasion.

Time's up. The correct answer is: America in 2001; Russia in 1979; Britain in 1878 and, before that, in 1839.

Who could forget the slaughter of 16,000 British men, women and children during the retreat to Gadamak in 1841 and the deaths of 15,000 Soviet troops in the 1980s? Apart from George W. Bush and Tony Blair, that is.

Anyway, fastest finger on the buzzer was Mustapha Karzi, in 4.2 seconds, which is quite remarkable given than he's got two hooks where his hands used to be.

Let's play Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

It says here, Mustapha, that your ambition is to hijack a plane, fly it to Britain and claim asylum.

That's right, Chris.

Good luck, mate. Let's see if we can help you win enough to buy your air ticket. Ready to play?

Yes, Chris.

This is for five hundred afghanis. What is the main crop of Afghanistan? Is it:

A) opium;

B) opium;

C) opium;

or D) opium

I'm not sure, Chris.

Take your time, Mustapha, remember you've got three lifelines. You can go 50/50, ask this lovely audience, or phone a friend.

I think I'll ask the audience, Chris.

OK audience, press your detonators - sorry, I mean keypads - now. Hmmm. One per cent say A) opium; two per cent say D) opium, and 97 per cent say 'Death to the Infidel running dogs of the Great Satan'. It's your call.

Well, Chris, 97 per cent is a large number. But I'm going to go with C) opium.

Final answer.

Final answer, Chris.

It's the right answer. Incidentally, what made you ignore the audience?

They'd have said 'Death to the Infidel Dogs of the Great Satan' whatever the question, Chris.

OK, let's play for one thousand afghani. Where are the headquarters of the Taliban? Are they in:

A) Kabul;

B) Kandahar;

C) Jalalabad;

or D) Tipton.

You're smiling, Mustapha. You know this, don't you?

Yes, Chris. It's Tipton.


Absolutely, Chris, I met them at a quiz night at a jihadist training camp in Pakistan. They said if anyone asked, I was to say they were on a computer course or attending a wedding.

It's the right answer. OK, you're going for two thousand afghani. You've got two lifelines left. What is the correct way to kill an adulteress? Is it:

A) push a wall on top of her;

B) stone her to death;

C) behead the filthy slut; or

D) give her a thousand lashes.


Sorry, audience, you've had your turn. Mustapha, you can phone a friend or go 50/50.
They all look right to me, Chris. I suppose I'd better go 50/50.

Actually, mate, I wouldn't bother. They are all right. And you've just won two thousand afghani.

Allahu Akhbar!

But we don't want to give you that, Mustapha. The next question is for five thousand afghani. You don't have to play it, but have a look anyway.

Where is Osama bin Laden hiding? Is it:
A) Tora Bora;

B) Waziristan;

C) Helmand Province;

D) A council house in Tottenham.

Could be any of them, Chris. Can I phone a friend?
Who would you like to call?

I'd like to call Mullah Omar, spiritual leader of the Taliban.

What, that madman in North Wales?

No, Chris, you're thinking of the Mad Mullah of the Traffic Taliban.

My mistake. We're calling now. Hello, Mullah Omah, this is Chris Talibant, from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?


I've got Mustapha Karzi here. He's on five thousand afghani, he's stuck and he needs your help.
Mullah, Mustapha here. Where is Osama bin Laden hiding?

If you answer that, you treacherous running dog of the Great Satan, it really will be your final answer.

I could even understand the horrific racism, bigotry and idiocy of the article if it even made a point... but there isn't one. It's just a string of horrifically bad jokes that could be written by a ten year old, with added racism to make it 'satire'.

I genuinely wish this man was dead.

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 14:50 
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Yeah, I don't see the point he's trying to make, either. Disgraceful.

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 14:57 
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Speak You're Branes mentioned that the Mail has added a "rate this comment" thing to their comments, and it seems that, oddly, almost universally the bigoted right wing Daily Mail-ey comments get big negative votes, and the lefty liberal comments get big up positive votes. How weird is that?

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 15:00 
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He's just noise.

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Cheer yourself up
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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 15:01 
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Mr Christmas wrote:
Speak You're Branes mentioned that the Mail has added a "rate this comment" thing to their comments, and it seems that, oddly, almost universally the bigoted right wing Daily Mail-ey comments get big negative votes, and the lefty liberal comments get big up positive votes. How weird is that?

It's almost as if every comment is vetted to only let through those that reflect the arch-bigot himself.

Anyway, I wrote them a letter of complaint, more to make me feel better than out of any belief that it will matter.

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 15:07 
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Clausiosity wrote:
Mr Christmas wrote:
Speak You're Branes mentioned that the Mail has added a "rate this comment" thing to their comments, and it seems that, oddly, almost universally the bigoted right wing Daily Mail-ey comments get big negative votes, and the lefty liberal comments get big up positive votes. How weird is that?

It's almost as if every comment is vetted to only let through those that reflect the arch-bigot himself.

Anyway, I wrote them a letter of complaint, more to make me feel better than out of any belief that it will matter.

And almost all the comments (those which are sucking up to the Bigoted Racist) have a negative rating on that article! The only two I saw with positive votes were being negative about his article.

Does the readership of the Guardian troll around the Mail site voting on comments?

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 15:11 
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Mr Christmas wrote:
Does the readership of the Guardian troll around the Mail site voting on comments?

I may have just voted negatively on all of the bigoted posts...


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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 15:12 
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Clausiosity wrote:
Mr Christmas wrote:
Does the readership of the Guardian troll around the Mail site voting on comments?

I may have just voted negatively on all of the bigoted posts...


I may have done that while I was there as well.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 16:19 
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I might also have done that everytime a particularly bad example is linked to. It's the only way to be sure.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 16:21 
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Man.... that's just awful: a crassly stereotyping, bigotry and hatred-soaked piece of "journalism" that isn't even well written. Like, as if demonising the entire population of Afghanistan is ever going to be a valid argument!

The one tiny, tiny nugget amongst the great steaming pile that is that piece is that we should not, of course, gone into Afghanistan militarily like we did, seemingly lacking any actual clear mandate to boot (unless I am mistaken, the vague mandate appears to be 'regime change', despite such an objective being previously derided as invalid?) Naturally, politicians wholly lack any ability to learn from (very recent) history; if the Red Army with all its might and resources could not hack it there in the 80s, what on Earth makes us believe we will "prevail", assuming of course that we are wholly clear about our objectives and have a plan? If 'we' were to intervene at all, it would have been essential in my view to have assembled a multinational peace keeping force comprising of many nations, all under the auspices of the UN. If this could not be achieved through diplomacy, common consensus and a watering down the agreed mandate, then it shouldn't have been done at all in my opinion.

Mind you, I doubt such considerations were uppermost in Littlejohn's mind.

Tsk... I actually used to read the Daily Mail about 10 years ago. The shame...

Beware of gavia articulata oculos...

Dr Lave wrote:
Of course, he's normally wrong but interestingly wrong :p

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 16:30 
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the vague mandate appears to be 'regime change', despite such an objective being previously derided as invalid?)

To be fair, the Taliban were harbouring the man wanted for the first successful attack on the continental United States since we burnt down the White House in 1812. I think Afghanistan was one of the few points of the Bush regime that they were on the side of the angels, at least initially; everything fell apart when the neo-cons decided that Iraq was a much shinier target and thus we left the Kabul government pretty much to itself for a few years, letting the Taliban regroup.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 17:01 
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Peter St. John wrote:
the vague mandate appears to be 'regime change', despite such an objective being previously derided as invalid?)

To be fair, the Taliban were harbouring the man wanted for the first successful attack on the continental United States since we burnt down the White House in 1812. I think Afghanistan was one of the few points of the Bush regime that they were on the side of the angels, at least initially; everything fell apart when the neo-cons decided that Iraq was a much shinier target and thus we left the Kabul government pretty much to itself for a few years, letting the Taliban regroup.

Hmmm, call me a cynic by all means, but I hardly think things were as clear cut as that. For example, do you believe that the 'in principle' decision on Iraq was actually made post Afghanistan? And anyway, there are plenty of states harbouring terrorists in the world. Should 'we' invade them all, assuming this was even the overriding reason for doing so in this particular case?

Not that I particularly want to be drawn into such a debate, mind.

Beware of gavia articulata oculos...

Dr Lave wrote:
Of course, he's normally wrong but interestingly wrong :p

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 17:04 
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The amusing thing is he puts loads of extra stuff underneath the racism and bigotry, just to give the hordes of sycophants something to comment on that WON'T come across as horrifically racist and bigoted.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 17:08 
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Captain Christmas wrote:
Peter St. John wrote:
the vague mandate appears to be 'regime change', despite such an objective being previously derided as invalid?)

To be fair, the Taliban were harbouring the man wanted for the first successful attack on the continental United States since we burnt down the White House in 1812. I think Afghanistan was one of the few points of the Bush regime that they were on the side of the angels, at least initially; everything fell apart when the neo-cons decided that Iraq was a much shinier target and thus we left the Kabul government pretty much to itself for a few years, letting the Taliban regroup.

Hmmm, call me a cynic by all means, but I hardly think things were as clear cut as that. For example, do you believe that the 'in principle' decision on Iraq was actually made post Afghanistan? And anyway, there are plenty of states harbouring terrorists in the world. Should 'we' invade them all, assuming this was even the overriding reason for doing so in this particular case?

Ah, but how many of those harboured terrorists have killed several thousand US citizens?

I think they were on decent moral ground with the Afghanistan invasion. It was also conceivable that they'd have more luck than the Russkis, as, after the initial invasion, we are sticking around trying to assist in nation building (using military alongside social and political means), whereas the USSR were just trying to kill, maim and rape the entire country to subjugate it, in order to beat up the Americans by proxy, or something.

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 18:51 
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Clausiosity wrote:
I could even understand the horrific racism, bigotry and idiocy of the article if it even made a point... but there isn't one. It's just a string of horrifically bad jokes that could be written by a ten year old, with added racism to make it 'satire'.

If you feel strongly about it, write to the Press Complaints Commission. You can email 'em, even. That Littlejohn article pretty much goes against clause 12 of the press code of practice in my opinion, so it does deserve a complaint - heck, I will definitely write to them about that slice of bigotry.

They always do get back to you, the PCC, in my experience.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 19:08 

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Hero of Socialism wrote:
Clausiosity wrote:
I could even understand the horrific racism, bigotry and idiocy of the article if it even made a point... but there isn't one. It's just a string of horrifically bad jokes that could be written by a ten year old, with added racism to make it 'satire'.

If you feel strongly about it, write to the Press Complaints Commission. You can email 'em, even. That Littlejohn article pretty much goes against clause 12 of the press code of practice in my opinion, so it does deserve a complaint - heck, I will definitely write to them about that slice of bigotry.

They always do get back to you, the PCC, in my experience.

The PCC said in a letter to me last time I tried that they only investigate complaints from the directly affected.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 19:08 
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Chinny chin chin

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Mr Christmas wrote:
Does the readership of the Guardian troll around the Mail site voting on comments?

A number of Popbitch posters certainly do. They've trolled there for years in fact. Often some of the most bizarre "won't someone think of the children" posts are trolls designed to see how far they can push the readership.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 19:09 
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Chinny chin chin

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Dudley wrote:

The PCC said in a letter to me last time I tried that they only investigate complaints from the directly affected.

Littlejohn affected my face 8 weeks ago. Does that cunt count?

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 19:29 
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Hang on, so unless you're directly affected (ie an Afghani national living in Afghanistan) then your complaint is invalid? How well-known is Littlecunt in those parts of the world, then?

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 20:35 
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Captain Christmas wrote:

Nah, it is comment. Sadly the main problem at the Mail is that some of their readers can't tell the difference between comment and facts at the best of times.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 22:44 
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Dudley wrote:
The PCC said in a letter to me last time I tried that they only investigate complaints from the directly affected.

Oh buggerations. Never had an indication of that before from response (admittedly mine are 'pending'). Which is ridiculous, as comrade myop' notes.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 23:43 

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myoptinsel wrote:
Hang on, so unless you're directly affected (ie an Afghani national living in Afghanistan) then your complaint is invalid? How well-known is Littlecunt in those parts of the world, then?

Yep, if you remember a while back a few of us wrote in over a footballer they libelled and who sued and won. We got told unless we were him we're not allowed to complain.

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 23:46 
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This man is bound by law to clear the snow away

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 0:09 
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I am directly affected. It's helping to turn the UK population into roaring bigots.

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:09 
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I'm not sure it is; I think it just helps roaring bigots legitimise their opinions.

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:18 
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I have just read this, and I think he has a valid point. I am just not sure what it is. Is it:
a) the war in Afghanistan should not have gone ahead because it was an illegal war
b) the war in Afghanistan should not have gone ahead because we lost 150 years ago
c) the war in Afghanistan should have gone ahead beacuse we lost 150 years ago and we need to teach them a lesson
d) is it that all Afghanis are hate mongering idiots who deserve to die for having beliefs which aren't his
e) is it that all Afghanis are hate mongering idiots who deserve to die for only just signing up to the WWTBAM franchise

The article makes no sense, whatsoever.

No, it was a giant robot castle!

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:19 
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myoptinsel wrote:
I'm not sure it is; I think it just helps roaring bigots legitimise their opinions.

That's enough of an effect for me!

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 19:29 
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Thank you for your email

I note your concerns that the article it racist. However, for Clause 12 (Discrimination) to be engaged, then an individual has to be subject to prejudicial or pejorative reference. It is not clear that this has happened on this occasion.

If you feel that the article is misleading or inaccurate in any way, you could consider a complaint under Clause 1 (Accuracy) of the Code.

I recognise that you might regard the article as offensive. The PCC, however, cannot consider complaints about taste and offensiveness.

Yours sincerely

Simon Yip

[email protected]

Cheers Si. If my (made up) slightly-brown girlfriend gets beaten up in the street because someone read this and thought it was OK to be a racist, I'll email you right back. xx

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 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 19:47 
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Couldn't you argue that Chris Tarrant has been subjected to a prejudicial or pejorative reference?

 Post subject: Re: Richard Littlejohn: giant bigoted racist
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 21:40 
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GazChap wrote:
Couldn't you argue that Chris Tarrant has been subjected to a prejudicial or pejorative reference?

I think CT would need to make that claim for them to listen.


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