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 Post subject: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 11:59 
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Jaqui Smith, unimpressed.

Mr Chris wrote:
MaliA isn't just the best thing on the internet - he's the best thing ever.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:05 
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She can fuck off, frankly.

I am currently under construction.
Thank you for your patience.


 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:10 
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What is it about the Home Secretary position that turns almost every occupant into a scary authoritarian? It's like there's an injection given at the start of your term that suddenly makes you think that ID cards and chaining pregnant women to their beds are great ideas...

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:10 
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She really is a pantomime witch isn't she. Wish she'd fuck off onto the rural stage rather than the international one

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 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:12 
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DBCracker wrote:
She really is a pantomime witch isn't she. Wish she'd fuck off to Kansas



 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:21 
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Chinny chin chin

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Posts: 15695
This is excellent news.

[goes and buys superglue while cackling madly]

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:36 
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That has cheered me up no end.

No doubt the Home Office will attempt to ruin our day for us.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:41 

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The government claims the DNA profile from people who are not convicted may sometimes be linked to later offences, so storing the details on the database is a proportionate response to tackling crime.

So might ANYONE be linked you insufferable cu....oh shit what have I said now?

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:46 
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I forgot about this - how vain

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Fuck yes!

Good day!

Also: Fuck you Jacqui Smith.

Curiosity wrote:
The Rev Owen wrote:
Is there a way to summon lave?

Faith schools, scientologists and 2-D platform games.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:51 
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The government claims the DNA profile from people who are not convicted may sometimes be linked to later offences, so storing the details on the database is a proportionate response to tackling crime.

Why don't they just forcibly sample us all now then, instead of waiting for us all to be arrested. or get a load of pre-cogs so they can see crime before it even happens. CONSPIRACY to commit conspiracy to commit a crime

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:56 
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Sitting balls-back folder

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If only people didn't have to go all the way to fucking European court of human rights, what the fuck is wrong when even the High Court has drunk the Kool-Aid?

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 13:07 

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Posts: 8679
davprezzie wrote:
The government claims the DNA profile from people who are not convicted may sometimes be linked to later offences, so storing the details on the database is a proportionate response to tackling crime.

Why don't they just forcibly sample us all now then, instead of waiting for us all to be arrested. or get a load of pre-cogs so they can see crime before it even happens. CONSPIRACY to commit conspiracy to commit a crime

Exactly. Arrested but not charged == innocent

There's zero reason to expect them to be implicated any more than you or me.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 13:11 
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so under what circumstances do they sample dna now? If I was arrested for say taking a quick pee in a dark alley (which I know a guy who was) would they take dna? If then someone I know was assaulted and my dna showed up on their clothes (possible, people do touch each other, cough, sneeze, shed skin or hair) would I be a suspect?

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 13:12 
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 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 13:19 

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davprezzie wrote:
so under what circumstances do they sample dna now? If I was arrested for say taking a quick pee in a dark alley (which I know a guy who was) would they take dna? If then someone I know was assaulted and my dna showed up on their clothes (possible, people do touch each other, cough, sneeze, shed skin or hair) would I be a suspect?

If you are arrested for ANYTHING they will take and keep a DNA sample even if you are never charged, let alone convicted.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 13:25 
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correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't they just arrest anyone for any old jumped up charge (slander, very hard to prove) sample them and let them go then? They might as well just make it part of the passport/driving license. I'm thinking like a home secretary now

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 13:33 
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Chinny chin chin

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davprezzie wrote:
correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't they just arrest anyone for any old jumped up charge (slander, very hard to prove) sample them and let them go then? They might as well just make it part of the passport/driving license. I'm thinking like a home secretary now

All you need now is a face like a smacked arse and you've got the job.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 13:35 

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Posts: 8679
davprezzie wrote:
correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't they just arrest anyone for any old jumped up charge (slander, very hard to prove) sample them and let them go then? They might as well just make it part of the passport/driving license. I'm thinking like a home secretary now

Yes. They could.

Supergluing door locks for instance.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 13:40 
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davprezzie wrote:
correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't they just arrest anyone for any old jumped up charge (slander, very hard to prove) sample them and let them go then? They might as well just make it part of the passport/driving license. I'm thinking like a home secretary now

chinnyhill10 wrote:
All you need now is a face like a smacked arse and you've got the job.

Dudley wrote:
Yes. They could.
Supergluing door locks for instance.

Sounds like the voice of experience there dudley...

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 14:04 

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Posts: 8679
It is but not me, you're missing an in joke I'm afraid :attitude:

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 20:43 

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First thing I thought of when hearing this on the radio was :attitude:

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 23:32 
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Chinny chin chin

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Goatboy wrote:
First thing I thought of when hearing this on the radio was :attitude:

Presumably it was Talksport. :DD

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 1:05 
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DBCracker wrote:
She really is a pantomime witch isn't she.

Worse than Blunkett or Reid Or Charles Clarke even. Lowest of the low.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:29 
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Sitting balls-back folder

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A BBC News piece on this last night ended with the guy saying "But think about Prostitute Murdering Trucker Guy - he was only caught because his DNA was on file from a conviction for something much more minor - WHAT IF THOSE CHARGES HAD BEEN DROPPED?!"

I nearly fucking destroyed my TV, Daily Mail sensationalism like that is not what I fucking pay my license fee for.

Then there was something nearly as enraging on the local news immediately following, and I died of The Comicals.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:31 
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I'm all for DNA being used as a matching tool, but surely it should only be used to support other evidence. On its own, DNA evidence is very circumstantial

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:24 
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Where are you?

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davprezzie wrote:
I'm all for DNA being used as a matching tool, but surely it should only be used to support other evidence. On its own, DNA evidence is very circumstantial

Plus didn't they do that report in the US that suggested the likelihood of matches is actually something like 1 in 100,000, due to the techniques used? It's cited as a definitive means of capture, but shortcomings mean it's conceivable for dozens (at the very least) in a country the size of the UK to be a 'match' in any given instance.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 12:34 
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Yeah, DNA evidence is shockingly unreliable when you look at the potential for mismatches. But of course the media (and the police, they're just as guilty) make it sound like the be all and end all of criminal identification.

 Post subject: Re: ECHR takes dim view
PostPosted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 13:18 
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and besides... and don't flame me if I'm the king of wrongtown here, but isn't dna between siblings almost the same?

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